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"I told you they were gay. Now you owe me a new packet of bikkies."

"No, no, no. You said you knew Bea was gay, I betted on Alex. So technically, we were both right."

"Hey, no I said--"

"Leave them alone booms. They probably just--"

"OH MY GOD CAN YOU ALL GET OUT AND SHUT UP" Alex threw a pillow at the three faces of boomer, Liz and Maxine peeping through the door. They dashed out at her outburst, and right they should be. Alex groaned and rolled over, looking into the sleepy face of Bea Smith. "Sounds like boomer lost a pack of biscuits."

Alex laughed softly. "What time did we drift off?"

Bea yawned and stretched her arms, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "No idea. First time I've slept right through though,"

"I must be like a teddy bear--OW!"

Alex groaned even more from where she'd rolled over off of the bed. Boomer looked in. "Trouble in paradise?" Bea threw the remaining pillow at a laughing boomer.

Alex got up and scratched her head. "Well, I'm going to change then go off to breakfast. See you there?"

"You not having a shower?"

"After last time, no. I think I'll wait for later."

"Fair enough." Bea'd heard about Alex's shower incident, cringing at the outcome. She didn't agree in a top dogs POV of Tasha's punishment, but could see why Alex did it. Or rather, didn't. She just wondered how rarked up the women would be today.

Bea decided on a shower despite Alex's assurances that morning showers at Wentworth were unlucky. What Bea didn't realize was these days, they kind of were. Despite that, she grabbed a towel and went on her way, straight after head count. "Maxy, I'll be in the showers. "

"Kay Bea."

Bea walked down the hall to the H block showers. Luckily there were no other people in there, which Bea was thankful for. But nonetheless  paranoid about her safety, Bea still reached for her old shiv she'd hidden in the drain before she left. Bea felt the still sharp tip and pressed it lightly against her arm, signing softly as she saw a bead of red dribbling down her arm toward her palm. Bea then took off her clothes, turning the water on to full blast and almost full heat. After washing her hair, Bea heard the shower door open, and another curtain close next to her. Bea looked over at the person out of the corner of her eye.

Allie was staring admirably at her, Bea uncomfortable. Bea turned off the water and picked up her shiv, ready to put on her towel. Warm hands wrapped around her shoulders as she turned. Bea got out of Allie's hold and shoved her against the wall, staring menacingly into her suprised eyes.

"Ever touch me again, and I'll btqke your fucking arms. Got that?!"

Allie nodded and smiled before Bea did a final slam against the wall. As Bea reached for her towel, Allie slid down and grabbed Bea's legs.

"What the fuck?-" Bea kicked Allie back. "Don't you get?"  Bea rushed out of the shower room and into her own, getting changed faster than she ever had before. What was Allie's problem? Couldn't she take a hint? Bea shook her head and wandered off joing the others for near the end of breakfast. Alex noticed Bea's stressed edgy face as she sat down. Alex leaned in quietly. "What's up? Something happen in the showers?"

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