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Lol...crew above. Just wondering... Would you guys prefer another sequel or just a long book?



"So you guys need to watch your backs. "

The H2 crew nodded at breakfast the following morning. After thinking it over, Bea decided to tell the others about Ferguson and co. At first, she thought by not telling them it'd prevent them from doing anything stupid,but then came to a realization that that'd be stupid and compromise their safety. After all, its better to be safe than sorry.

"Awh Bea you jinxed it ay" said booms. They followed Bea's gaze toward kaz walking in with her crew, looking all russed up. Allie pulled a face behind kaz, Bea's lip twitching slightly in amusement. However in their little exchange they'd failed to see franky move over to the end of the table. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the KKK- wait no, sorry I got confused- red right hand. The glorious group that stands up for women, and if I'm correct, violence against women,"

"Pipe down Doyle, or you'll be escorted out."

"Oh don't worry Smiles, I'm just introducing the cause." Kaz raised an eyebrow at that. "What do you want Boil?"

The whole room cracked up laughing at Kaz's remark. "Ah not much Waz, just wanted a little chat ya know?" Everyone laughed again. "Huh! Well it looks like someone already had a good chat with her ay Franky!" Juice yelled laughing fit to split. "Seems like it juice, especially from that shiner," franky winked. She could see Kazs almost good eye twitching in hidden anger. "Anyway..." Franky leaned foward. "What I really want to know, is why your crew beat up Alex? Last time I checked she wasn't a guy , so what? Going against your own principles eh ladies?" A few of the other woman started up in a loud buzz of chatter. Franky grinned triumphantly and leaned back against the table. "I rest my case."

The crew watched as women yelled and threw stuff at kaz and her crew, who stood their ground. They only left when juices boys started up a chant, which was echoed throughout the rest of the cafeteria. If there was one thing the inmates didn't like, it was fakers. That laggers and kid abusers. They were the real targets.

"Franky, you shouldn't of done that. I don't want anymore trouble than there already is- after all your not the one that has to deal with it. You need to leave this stuff up to me because I am top dog. And as top tog, I say you face the consequences like everyone else if you do something wrong. Remember that everything goes through me first."

Franky's nostrils flared in anger and she screeched her chair back harshly, causing it to topple over. The whole room watched the exchange in silence, even the officers. Finally Franky stormed out of the cafeteria, kicking the wall in frustration. "Doyle! Do that again and you'll be slotted!" Franky kept walking and flipped him the bird. "Fuck off screw " she kept walking rapidly until she got back to H2. Surely she was allowed to throw stuff around her own cell. She swung in the door way and paused momentarily. "What the fuck are you doing in here!" She charged at the blonde and held her up against the wall, seeing red. An angry franky was a dangerous franky, even worse she was unpredictable. That's why so many people stayed out of way. "Your working for fucking kaz aren't you?! What were you planting in my cell ay? Drugs? Fuck, I'll kill her!"

Franky pressed off of her neck and wildly went searching for the gear, finding it tied to underneath her bed. She held up a large bag containing various foil packages and syringes and inspected it. " Weed and heroin? That would've cost her a lot. Now what to do with it..." Franky shut her cell door and ripped open the packaging, and grabbed a syringe, flicking the nib. Allies eyes widened in realization and fear. "Wha- what? No franky P-please! I'll do anything!!!" Franky snarled at her and grabbed her arm roughly, jamming the needle into one of her veins. Allies pupils dilated and she slid down the cell wall climbing her high. Franky threw the gear under her bed. She'd wait until Allie left then she'd get rid of it. She lay on her bed, looking over at Allie making some weird gurgling sound. "Oi! Get the fuck outta here ya stupid bitch. Go back to your own cell." Allie looked at her with wide eyes,  as if just only seeing her for the first time. She got up shakily, mouth hanging open. She stood there and stared at franky. Franky sighed and threw a book at her. "Cmon! What the fuck are you waiting for? Santa? Get your high ass out of here! I don't want someone seeing you in her last like that, they'll think I'm dealing and get the rest of them!" Allie stumbled toward her. "Drugs? Can I have drugs? Please?"

"What? No! How fried is your brain right now? "Allie fell forward onto Franky. Franky moved to push her off, but Allie was a dead weight. "Get...off..me..you junkie!"  Allie smashed her lips onto Franky's. She began trailing her fingers over her, Franky surprised at her own enjoyment. She hadnt been with anyone for months, maybe it was time she looked out for number one, fuck everyone else.


"Yup, that's it, slowly now. Take your time, don't wanna rip your stitches." Bea held her breath as she watched the nurse help Alex sit up on her bed, the pain still visible on her bruised face. "Okay. Now comeback every morning for your medication and I'll change your dressings. Got it?"

She nodded and waved the nurse off. Bea rushed over to her, about to push the wheelchair. "Fuck off, I'm not going around on this. I'll walk."

Bea held her tongue and instead went to help Alex get off the bed. She heard a slight whimper from her as she reached the ground, and they began to walk out of medical slowly. "How're you feeling?" Alex looked over at her like she was a dumbass. "Peachy. Reckon I'll be able to play basketball in no time." Bea forced a smile and tried to keep the conversation going, distracting Alex from her pain. They were earning stares as they walked through the halls. "Ah, out now I see. Better be careful eh? Don't wanna hurt yourself again." Kaz yelled out from the phones.

Alex just flipped her the bird and continued on toward H2. "So...how's your love life going?" Alex grinned. Bea tried to suppress a smile. "What? What love life?"

"Oh cmon, don't give me that. At least give me some action. We've all seen you sneaking around with Allie in the kitchen, supply room-"

"Okay! Don't be so loud. Things are going good actually. I really, really like her. " Alex smiled. Good in Bea for finding new love. "So you done the deed yet?"

Bea looked mortified. "What? No! Your sick minded ever since you got here."

Alex rolled her eyes. "Kill me. I'm stuck in here for the rest of my life. Leave me to my perversions." Bea cracked up laughing at that. Despite the sad topic, Alex could still make anything funny. Bea nudged Alex's arm. "So...how about you and franks? What's going on there?"

"Mind games. Honestly, I think she's just giving me a taste of my own medicine. Its ticking me off though. I wish she'd just stop rejecting me,"

Bea thought for a minute. "Well, have you ever thought that she's well, waiting for something?" Alex looked over at her curiously. "Elaborate?" Bea continued. "Well maybe she wants to know you really do show the same affection she does for you. Like, remember Bridget? Franky was basically in love with her. She didn't doubt that Bridget felt the same, even though she ended up using her right? So, Franky said she was in love with you. Now, after all these months, you suddenly return the affection. So maybe, I don't know, try telling her you love her? Cause you do right?"

"Oh. Well yeah I guess...I'm going to tell her as soon as I get back. " Bea smiled and they began to walk back to H2 in silence. Boomer was watching TV when they walked in. "Hey Al! Your out! Bet your feeling like ahit though," "uh yeah." Boomer leaned over toward her. "So can we go beat the shit out of kazs crew now? I had an idea that we could use--"

"Not now booms. We'll save up our strength for when they do something even worse yeah?" Boomer pouted and turned back to watching TV. Alex walked in her room to put her stuff away. Bea looked curiously as she reached in her waist band and pulled out several little pills, then slid them in her curtain. "What're they?"

"Blood thinners, tremodol and sleeping pills. I stole them from medical."

Bea sighed and walked out of the cell to wait for Alex. "Franky in her cell?" She asked boomer. Boomer laughed. "Hell yeah. Been going hard at it with someone in there." Alex walked out and over to Franky's cell, not having heard their conversation. "Wait Alex, don't go in there!" It was too late, the door had been opened, and Bea and Alex stood there with open mouths.

"Alex, didn't know you were back so soon."

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