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Alex trudged up to her door and opened it, grabbing her towel and spare clothes on the way. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, watching as the other woman did the same. Mr Jackson took the morning headcount, which earned a series of grumpy acknowledgements. She was reminded briefly of preschool, the similarities outweighing the none.

When headcount was over, the doors for breakfast were opened, but Alex wanted a shower first. She felt like shit, and sure enough saw it once she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was a birds nest and her eyes were bloodshot, giving her the visible appearance of a drug addict. She groaned and stepped in the shower, letting the hot water wash her insomnia away. When the timer went off, she grabbed her towel and dried off.


The bathroom door flew open followed by a series of voices. She swore under her breath and began to get dressed quickly, pissed that someone else would be here this early.

"N-no! Please just let me g-go!"

Alex frowned at the new strange voice. She knew every voice in Wentworth, yet this one was new. Must be a newbie. She pulled her pants up.

"Oh don't worry darlin, me and the boys just thought you'd like to get to know us better. Bit of an, 'initiation'," the voices sniggered. Unfortunately, Alex knew those voices all too well. And she also knew what they did to people in the bathrooms, newbies especially. She was just lucky she was able to escape them. She pulled back the curtain, only just managing to pull her top over her head. Top dog duties started today, and that started with looking after the women.

"For fuck sake, Juice--"

She was interrupted by the blaring of an alarm, its loud sirens wailing and screaming. She resisted the urge to cover her ears and pound her head against a wall, instead walking up to Lucy (and her horse gang), and pushing them out of the way to get to the girl.

"We were only trying to--"

"Fuck off!" Alex yelled. Juice backed off and walked out the door, entourage in tow. She squatted down and got at eye level with the girl, tears streaming down her cheeks. She reluctantly gathered her in her arms and gave her a hug, then pulling her up. "T-they were g-going to rape me--"

"Yeah, yeah i know. You just shouldn't of done that is all, "

Alex sighed and guided the girl outside. She was gonna get shit from the women for this, pushing the panic button was the one thing you never do. It was a strict rule and seen as taboo, the pusher being punished and branded a lagger. Unfortunately, this wouldn't be the end of it for the poor girl. She'd have to learn somehow, and Alex was not looking forward to later today.

The siren soon shut off as officer miles approached them. She talked lowly into her radio, then sighed loudly. "Let me guess," she rolled her eyes. "Judging by fatso and co walking out of there, followed by you, and her," she pointed at the girl "I'm concluding that there was a near rape?"

Alex looked her in the eyes as confirmation. "Alright, she clicked her radio. "Slot gambarro please, on charge of suspected attempt of rape."

Alex pressed her lips into a hard line. Not that she had a problem of juice being thrown in the hole for a while, but again it'd cause even more havoc. And they always said your first day on the job was easy.

"Does she need to go to medical?"

Alex looked down at the girl. "Nah, I reckon shes alright,"

Ms Miles nodded and walked off, leaving Alex with the girl. "Cmon, let's go get breakfast." The girl just nodded and proceeded to wipe her tears away. "So, what's your name?"

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