Chapter 1

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It has been almost one year since we've seen the two greatest heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir. Before they disappeared, the two went to Hawkmoth's lair to seek justice. Unfortunately, the building exploded. No bodies were found, but proof tells us all three were still in the lair when the explosion happened. Witnesses have said that the two were acting unusual before they entered the building. Others have said they saw the heroes escape but are now in hiding. We figure that Hawkmoth has been defeated; we don't know for sure. But we know that the citizens grow more and more concern each day, hoping to see the two brave warriors healthy and well. Crime has been unusually quiet these past months, yet we fear that the day of horror will come.

Ladybug, Chat Noir... Where are you?


I grabbed the silver thread from my multicolored bobbin kit that I designed myself. My fingers carefully pinched the tiny string through the needle and double knot it. Sweat was rolling down my skin as I poked through the satin fabric, making sure every movement was perfect. Without looking, I grabbed the silver pendant with my signature logo. The smooth, purple color complemented deeply with the thread and pendant. I pulled the string tightly and made a bow knot. The super glue worked flawlessly to keep the knot in place.

My arm swept across my forehead. The headpiece accessory was done and ready to showcase for the fashion show. I pinned the creation in the side of the model's bun. She was ready to go.

"Merci Marinette." The model thanked her as she exited to the crowd waiting to admire her.

Last show! Being a fashion designer is a lot of hard work, but somehow I'm managing my dream better than okay. Sure, I haven't seen my friends in a while, but I do make phone calls and video chats with my parents and Alya. They have been helping me with homework since I've been away for a couple of months.

The phone rang. I picked it up to see Alya's face on the screen for a video chat. I answered, "Hey Alya, what's up?"

"Hey girl!" She started out "miss you so much! School hasn't been the same without you!"

"Miss you too!" I replied back "It's been so long since I've seen you in person! But don't worry, I'll be back this weekend!"

"Oh thank gosh, if we stayed apart any longer... Ugh I don't know? Explosion!" She made a funny boom sound. But when she said explosion, I flinched as if a lighting bolt just shocked me.

My grin slowly faded. Alya noticed.

She covered her mouth in embarrassment. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I forgot..."

I tried to smile. "It's okay. It's been over a year, and you were so busy with helping me with schoolwork. Oh by the way, thank you so much for helping me through all of this!"

"Haha. Thanks for understanding, and no problem!" She looked to the side then looked back at me. "I got to go! Nino and I are going to the park. See you Saturday!"

I waved and ended the call.

"Marrinette." A squeaky voice called my name. I looked around to find the familiar Kwami, but I couldn't find the little gal. I miss her, I thought to myself. She was so important to me, and now I can't let people see her. I dug through my small original purse to find the box. The box where the miraculous is in. Or was in.

I clenched the box tightly. "I had to do it."

"Marinette." A voice kept calling me. I look to see a woman with a clipboard. "Are you okay miss?"

I looked back down. There wasn't a box in my hand. My hands were empty.

"I'm okay; I appreciate your concern."


Another photoshoot, finished. Finally I have a break to hang out with Nino and Alya. Things have been really boring for the past year, but it's the good boring. I have time to do things I want to do. My father allowed me to clear up my schedule, so I could pursue other things besides the stuff he wants me to do or thinks is best for me.

"Hey! Nino! Alya!" I called out as I ran toward them. I stuck my hand up to high five Nino. He replied back with the five and said "how was the photoshoot?"

"It went great." I answered his question as I was catching my breath. "Just need to breathe, that's all!"

"Well keep breathing steadily because I've got some exciting news for all of you!" Alya cried in happiness.

Nino and I both asked "What?" in unison.

Alya took a deep breath and state the words I thought would never come out anytime soon, "Marinette is coming back from her fashion tour this weekend!"

"What?! Really?!" I cheered.

"You betcha!"

"That's amazing!" Nino said. "We all need the clumsy Marinette back in the city where she belongs!"

"She's not that clumsy anymore believe or not," Alya laughed "and she's flippin' famous!"

The couple kept exchanging their excitement to see a familiar face again. I couldn't believe my eyes, it's been almost a whole year of not seeing her in the flesh. I would scroll through my phone to find her on the news and such. She's come so far, and she's so extraordinary.

I'm glad my father gave her the opportunity to be his apprentice. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have become noticed by top fashion designers around the world.

We hung out for the rest of the day.

At night, I entered my room. Plagg came out of hiding. "Loving the new lifestyle I see?" I couldn't help but laugh because I did like this new aspect of life.

"Well yeah" I replied. My face drifted. My smile began to frown deeply. From a distance, I saw the envelope. I remember when she gave it to me.

We sat on someone's rooftop, hanging our feet off the edge. She was perfect as usual, we destroyed Hawkmoth's lair. The news reporters didn't see us when we escaped, so apparently they're now in panic for news. But we promised each other not to say anything to them because we don't know if Hawkmoth is still alive.

Enough of the media. My princess was beautiful as always, but that day, she was sad. I asked her why she was sad, we just made his lair explode! We should be proud.

She didn't answer my question which concerned me. Instead she gave me an envelope, sealed with a small ladybug sticker.

"What's this M'lady?" I started peeling off the sticker.

"Don't open it now." She spoke quietly. "Not now."

"Then when?"

"When you spot the big difference on someone."

I haven't found the difference yet. No one seemed different. My father could be different. However, he's still himself, the only that changed is my scheduling.

"Could you be more specific?" I asked her politely.


[End Of Chapter 1]

Hi guys! It's been what... 3 years since I actually made something. I was going through a lot during this time period, but I'm back making more stories, some good some bad. I'll still be spotty a lot of times cause of school and stuff, but hopefully I'll finish a story eventually xD

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