Chapter 6

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It all makes sense. That means— the letter! I leaned down the stairs of my room and onto my bed where the letter is still placed under my pillow. The sticker is still sealed, but my fingernails were too shot to pick at it. I used my canine teeth to rip open the letter. The handwriting was recognizable, like the love letter I had received a year ago.


She knew from the start I was Chat Noir. I don't get it. Why did she not tell me she knew?

If you are reading this letter, that means you know who I am and what is going on. My real name is Marinette, the weirdo that falls down a lot, and the weirdo that's going away for a year. I'm sorry if you're disappointed in me because the Ladybug I am is not me Marinette.

I would never have suspected her to be Ladybug, but her tone in the letter sounds as if she's deprecating herself because she's Ladybug. She is beautiful and kind and deserves happiness.

As you know, Hawkmoth's lair has been destroyed, but Hawkmoth is still alive, and so is Volphina. I know you Adrien is Chat Noir. During one of the explosions you were knocked out, and you de-transformed. Hawkmoth, Volphina, and I saw you. We were all in shock, especially Hawkmoth. He's your father... I'm sorry.

Hawkmoth's my father? No that's impossible! He is a good man that doesn't mean harm—He told me not to get near Marinette. His lair was near my house. Oh my gosh he is Hawkmoth.

Once we all figured out you were Chat Noir, they had mixed reactions, but they eventually began using you against me. They warned me if I didn't surrender, you would die a slow and painful death. I know right now you're mad, and I know you wanted to protect me. But that time was no time for playing superhero. We struck a deal: I was to hand over my miraculous in exchange for no crime in the city and to keep you alive.

The more I read, the more frustrated I became. I wish I could've done something!

You're going to see me again but not the same. I will be akumatized by Hawkmoth to make sure I do not try to get back at him. All his energy is being used on me which is why there hasn't been a single crime in a while. Volphina has been overlooking me to ensure that I won't do anything funny except accept my duties as a fashion designer.

Chat Noir, Adrien, you're going to think that this is all your fault, that you wish you could've done something. Do not feel remorse, do not feel guilt, and do not feel sad. Lucky charm didn't work that time, but that doesn't mean that the lucky charm isn't unlucky.

I believe that Hawkmoth will have some sort of remorse for having you as a part of their plan. Get him on our side somehow! I know you can do this.

I have to work with my father, the now most evil villain of all of Paris? I can't trust him. He kept this a secret from me for too long! Is that why he sent her away?

Chat... Adrien... thank you for being my partner and my friend.

~Bug-a-Boo... Marinette

There was a knock on my door, I quickly shoved the letter in the envelope and hid it under my pillow. "Come in!" It was my father or really it was Hawkmoth.

"Hello Adrien. I have found some information that could have some correlation to Marinette's illness."

Let's hope he actually says something truthful for once. "Really what?" I try to say in my most convincing voice.

"There is a high possibility she is linked to schizophrenia which is..."

He's lying.

"...or possibly paranoia but that's—"

"Father I know you're Hawkmoth."


"Marinette?" I hear a voice from downstairs. It sounds like my mom. She must be home from her meeting with the principal. "Why is the door unlocked?"

Shoot I don't want my her to know that Adrien broke in. "Sorry mom! I went to the park to hang out with Aliya and Nino and forgot to lock the door!" I shouted back.

"Honey, you should know to lock the door when you leave the house!"

Yes Marinette, you should be taking responsibility for your actions.

Not now... "I'm sorry Mom! I'll remember next time!" My voice shifted "what do you want Lila?"

Did you like the experience I've brought upon you?


Good. Each time you get remotely close to Adrien, the experience will get much worse.

"You know you don't have to do this," I tried to reason with her, knowing she won't comply, "there is good in everyone. There is good in you."

You make me laugh. Consider that encounter as a warning.

"Technically speaking, you were the one that caused all of this."

Shut up.

"Why are you even doing this? You're not a wannabe Hawkmoth. You don't even want Adrien's miraculous."

You are right on that little girl. I am better and much stronger than Hawkmoth.

"That's hilarious cause he's the reason that you have powers in the first place!"

I guess that's true... but I'm more powerful.

"What makes you say that?"

[End Of Chapter 6]

Sorry for the overload of exposition

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