Chapter 4

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"... yeah there's definitely something wrong with her. Should we try calling her again Adrien? Adrien?"

"What oh, sorry I got distracted for a second." I tried to make an excuse. "I need to go model!"

"I thought you said you were free this afternoon?" Ayala raised her eyebrow.

Crap she knows my bluff. I pulled out my cell phone "uhh ring ring. Oh that's my phone. Hello? Bodyguard? You want me to come to the house immediately? Oh okay yes sir!"

Before they could answer my feet carried me away, lightning speed.


The phone finally stopped ringing. Thank goodness I didn't have to make anymore excuses. I wonder why Adrien would want to hang out with me alone? Especially from my previous behavior toward Adrien, I would expect him to be spacious with me. It doesn't matter, it's all over—

What did I say about being with Adrien, Marinette?

The voice is back. "I wasn't with him. I was talking to him over through a cell phone. Probably something you've never experienced before."

Good roast Princess, but talking to Adrien counts as being with Adrien in my book. Do remember the power I possess? I can easily take down both you and Adrien with a snap of my fingers.

"Actually, I remember distinctly that your powers are illusions." I snapped back. "I thought you cared about Adrien!"

I also care about power honey bunch, and if that means destroying Adrien, then so be it.

"I don't think Hawkmoth would be happy that his precious son's life is determined by a weakling!"

I can't really tell if you're talking about me or you. However since he is Hawkmoth's son, I guess I won't hurt him. But I will hurt you.

My head began to spiral with pain. I pressed both my hands again the sides of my head, attempting to suppress the illusion's agony.

My powers are to create illusions, and they are as real as they want to be Princess.

The pain was too much. I couldn't stand. My knees gave out, and I fell on the ground. My elbows pressed forcibly against the wooden floor in effort to stabilize myself. Sweat began pouring.

My mouth made effort to shout "Stop! Stop please!" My ears began to burn, and my body began to shiver. Everything felt numb.


The bakery was closed. Her parents must not be home. But I can still feel Marinette's presence. I pressed my ear against the window, hoping to hear her voice at all. I heard faint shouts of "Stop!" which got me worried.

My eyes scanned the surroundings. Too many people to transform. I checked my pockets to find a pin from yesterday's photo shoot. My fingers aimed for the lock and maneuvered carefully to unlock the door. I quickly ran in without anyone noticing, and bolted up to her room.

Her bedroom door was locked. Her doorknob doesn't have a proper keyhole for me to unlock. I banged on the wood to see if she would reply, but I didn't get the reply I wanted where she was safe. I heard tears and screams of agony.

I can't take this anymore! I slammed my body up against the door, breaking the slab of wood open, surprisingly not breaking the door itself.

I look down to see Marinette in a fetal position. Her hands gripping her head as she shouts "Stop! Please!" again and again. Her eyes were closed tight with tears seeping out. I grabbed her and held her in my arms.

"Marinette!" I shouted, but she ignored me. I tried again, "Marinette! What's going on?! Please tell me!"

Suddenly her body froze. Then she became limp, still in my arms. Her body was cold as if she was dead. I lightly laid my fingers against her neck, hoping for a pulse. It's there but faint. I sigh in relief. My hand pressed again her forehead: it's burning hot, she must be really sick. Should I call the doctor? My hands reached for my phone, but her hand stopped me from completing the action. It attempted to grip my hand, but she was so weak that it felt like feather-weight.

"Don't tell," Her mouth quivered. Her eyes fluttered, but they didn't open. "Safe." She began to shiver.

I decided to carry her to her bed, tucked her in, and sat close by. I observed her carefully, watching her breathe, watching her move, I think I'm becoming a stalker. No matter, as long as she's safe.

After what seemed like forever, I heard rustling from her bed. She was up. Her head turned around, and our eyes met. Her eyes looked terrified to see me. I instantly jumped out of my seat to ask "are you okay Marinette?"

"I'm okay," She whispered back. Her hands gripped her blanket. "What happened? Why are you here?"

"You were in a lot of pain, and I just happened to be here," I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly while blushing. "I didn't want you to be alone."

She gave me a confused look. "How did you get into my house? The doors were locked."

"I was worried you were in trouble because you kept shouting at something to stop."

Marinette looked down. "I appreciate your concern, but you need to go."

"I'm not leaving you until you feel better," I said as I got up close to her. I placed my hand on her forehead. She flinched. "You're still sick."

She threw my hand aside as she replied, "I'm okay, really. Stop worrying about me. Your father is probably concerned that you're not home."

"I already told him I would be unavailable all afternoon, and I'm not going anywhere." I attempted to hold her hand, but she once again refused. "Marinette, did I do something to make you this resilient of me? If I'm doing something wrong tell me, and I'll fix it right away."

She didn't speak for a couple of seconds as if she is carefully choosing her words. She finally answered, "Have a wonderful, kind memorial old tired horse. Alleviate life insecurities very effectively. Let it leave automatically. It took over."

What? What does that even mean? Tired horse? Automatically? Before I could ask her the meaning she quickly said "go home Adrien, please." So I did.

[End Of Chapter 4]

Have a great April Foolz day ^_^

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