As the story goes

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40 months earlier

February 2013

It was the first night on tour. After I met Noel 8 months ago at a festival in Europe we hadn't seen much of each other but after a few weeks of texting each other we had started calling each other. And after talking regularly for 6 months he had asked me if I wanted to open for them on their world arena tour. This of course, to enable us to spend more time together. We were still just friends but I would lie if I didn't admit that I had feelings for him. During the last months he had become my best friend next to Jessica, and that was something I wasn't in a hurry to mess with. Also because as I had gotten to know him well I had also been made privy to the extent of his womanizing and no matter how sweet and caring he was towards me as his friend, I wasn't sure that he wouldn't just turn around and ignore me after he got his way.

Earlier in the day I had arrived in Houston, Texas where their first concert was going to be held, and so far I hadn't bumped into either Noel or any of his band mates. He had texted me that morning that he would be busy doing press when we arrived but that he was looking forward to seeing me. So I mostly focused on not trying to over think what meeting him in person again would be like and trying to act like it in front of my tour crew. I was also nervous to meet the rest of his band.

After checking in to the hotel and getting settled into our rooms we were now in the middle of our sound check when I saw a girl walk in down on the arena floor and after saying "Hello" to the sound guys she came up to the barricade to watch us. As I studied her while readying to launch into a song I realised it was Sadie, the bass player in Noel's band. So while singing I motioned for her to stay and as soon as we finished I sat down on the edge of the stage.

"Hey! We haven't met before. You are Sadie right?"

"And you are Edie" She returned my smile and glanced over at Matt and Tom. "Why don't you guys joins us for dinner after you are done?"

"We would love to" came from both Matt and Tom as they were walking over to us.

"Great! Well I will see you in, maybe an hour?" Sadie said as she looked at the watch on her arm to see what time it was now.

"Sounds good" I smiled at her before she headed off.

"That was nice of her." Tom looked at me meaningly. "It will be nice to meet the rest of the band."

Before we finished with the sound check I took a selfie with the boys on their instruments in the background behind me and uploaded it to my Instagram with the caption Sound checking in Houston with my loves, so excited for tonight. To catch us, don't be late! :)

After the first initial picture of me and Noel with the wigs in Europe had gone viral, I had received my fair share of hate on social media and even had to take a little break from Instagram and twitter. As soon as the news about us supporting them during their four month Arena tour were revealed, the rumours had blossomed up again. I had even refuted the rumours saying we were only friends when I was on the Late Late Show a few weeks prior.

Noel didn't attend the dinner as he was occupied elsewhere and I didn't bother to text him to ask him where he was, I figured we would see each other eventually. But it was a great opportunity to get to know the rest of his band mates, all in all their band consisted of Sadie on bass, Richard on drums and Gerry on guitar. Some people from their crew also opted to join us. And it felt like a really nice welcome for us into their touring family. It didn't hurt that I got on really well with Sadie. It was great to have another female musician on tour, as my own band consisted of two boys.

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