Getting Settled

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After about an hour Marinette and I went back home. I hadn't unpacked but Marinette said that I'd be sleeping in her room, which I was excited because I never really had a real sleepover. The only one I had was the core reason why I wasn't very confident, but I won't get into that.

I entered Marinette's loft to see a bright colorful pink room with pictures of Adrien. I laughed a bit, "You really like him."

Marinette gave me a confused look then looked at her wall. She nervously scratched the back of her head, "Yeah. I should probably take those down."

"I don't mind them, he's cute." I said sitting on my bed, it was wooden and didn't match Marinette's room.

Marinette frowned at my remark.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna steal him from you." I laughed a bit at how protective she was.

"Sorry, I've liked him for awhile. I ju-I don't think I would get over him if I lost him." Marinette said sitting on her bed.

"It's fine, I totally understand." I sighed falling onto my bed.

"You have a boyfriend?" Marinette asked looking at me.

"I had one, it was one sided." I said starring at the slanted ceiling.

"Oh, he didn't like you back?" Marinette questioned realizing she went to deep.

I sighed, "Yeah. He kept it away from me for four months."

"That's messed up," Marinette said rubbing her arm.

There was yet another awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Girls it's time to go to sleep!" Sabine yelled from downstairs.

I looked at my phone, "Huh mom should've called me."

"Maybe she will tomorrow," Marinette said going into the bathroom.

"Yeah tomorrow..." I sighed.

Adrien's P.O.V.

"I can't believe it's the end of summer!" I said to Nino at school.

"Yeah man, but I'm happy to see my girl!" Nino said as Alya approached with Marinette and Violet.

"Hi Violet," I said trying to be friendly.

"Hi," Violet answered with a small smile. She looked at her phone.

"Adrien was the new boy last year," Marinette said with a smile.

"Yeah and I love everyone here!" I said with a smile, but right then Chloe came up and hugged me.

"Hi Adrikins!" Chloe said nuzzling my shoulder.

"Well almost everyone," I said rolling my eyes playfully. But Violet wasn't looking at me, she was looking at her phone as well as Marinette looking over her shoulder. I pushed Chloe off me.

She pouted but walked away anyway.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked walking up to them.

Violet looked up at me, her eyes barely peeking out over her hair. She looked really cute, I guess anyone looks cute when they were worried.

"I've been spam texting my mom but she hasn't been answering." Violet frowned.

"I'm sure she's...busy." I said trying to sound reassuring.

"She said she would call me," Violet said close to tears.

"I'm sure she just forgot," Marinette said reassuringly patting Violet's back.

"She wouldn't forget something like that," Violet said looking at the ground.

I put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile, she blushed and her mouth dropped slightly open.

Marinette coughed a bit, "We should get to class."

Violet nodded a bit, she looked at me. I looked back studying her face, dark blue eyes, raven black hair, a big button nose...

"Uh Adrien?" Violet asked.

"Yeah," I answered still studying her face.

She pointed to my hand which was still on her shoulder.

"Oh, sorry!" I said pulling away blushing.

Violet smiled and nodded walking away. Why do I sound so nervous? Maybe it's because I look like a creep studying her face, but why was I studying her face? It's not like she's extraordinarily pretty, I mean she's pretty. But not like model amazing pretty, well she's pretty in a different way. She may not be model pretty but maybe that's better?

Violet's P.O.V.

I was introduced to the class and the teacher assigned me to sit next to Adrien. I don't mind, he's really nice. But I don't know if Marinette likes it.

"Hey Adrien, thanks for being nice and reassuring." I said in my most fake cheerful voice.

"It's fine that's what friends do," Adrien said totally buying it.

I smiled when he said friends, I never truly had an actual friend. But in less than twenty-four hours I had made two.

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