Meeting Master Fu

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"Dash!" I screamed out in sorrow.

Immediately his eyes turned to meet mine. They were a deep purple that matched his suit. His suit was exactly the same as our families super suit with the exception of the colors being black and purple and instead of an I it was replaced with an H.

When our eyes met I couldn't recognize him. Here he was, my brother that I had known ever since I could remember, but he wasn't the same person. His eyes glowed at me and before I knew it I hit the ground.

Punch after punch coming at me in different directions. Once my head swiveled in one direction it would be met with a punch. It was all coming to fast for me to react and I could feel myself soon slip in and out of consciousness. I was to weak to become invisible.

Then I heard Dash scream and as I opened my eyes I felt someone lift me off the ground. My eyes met with glowing green eyes, but these glowing eyes were softer. They were full of concern and a need to help.

"Ca-ca-cat Noir?" I said trying to move my head around. It felt extremely heavy though and it officially plopped over into one direction hanging over the side watching the world go by. People screaming or fleeing away from Dash and his havoc. "You're a hero, wh-w-why aren't you help-hel-he-he-helping them?"

"Hawk moth is calling a war, and in a war you most lose some battles. If we want to win we need all hands on deck." I could hear Cat Noir say in a neutral tone. How could he be so uncaring when people were getting hurt all around him?

"Ha-haw-Hawkmoth, he-he-he's the guy who is causing all of the a-a-akumas?" I ask knowing the answer.

"Yeah, Ladybug and I have been after him for awhile. No one has been able to live in peace since the beginning of them." Cat Noir said sadly.

And now he has Dash... but I can't even say he's my brother. I could feel a tear roll down the side of my face. I have finally found one piece of my broken apart family, but I have to watch him be controlled by a man who wants to do nothing but evil.

"Hey what's wrong?" Cat Noir said stopping.

"No-nothing, it's just very tragical... all-a-a-all these people that are affected and c-c-can't even he-he-hel-help themselves." I said lying.

I could tell that Cat Noir didn't buy into it but he bit his tongue.

"Wh-wh-where are y-y-y-you taking me?" I asked changing the subject.

"I'm taking you to Master Fu, he's the only guy that knows my true identity," Cat Noir said.

Suddenly I found strength in my body and rolled out of Cat Noir's arms. I hit the ground hard but quickly got up. "No! You can't take me to him!"

"Why not?" Cat Noir said nervously approaching me as I backed away.

"No one can know my true identity!" I said trying my best to conjure a force field as I put my hands out in front of me.

"No has to know your true identity Invisagirl. He'll just make sure you're fixed up so you don't have any major injuries." Cat Noir said approaching me and grabbing my hand reassuringly.

I starred up into his eyes and was left speechless. Somehow he could calm me down in a place that was full of chaos. I don't know this guy at all but I trust him. I sighed and quickly let my hand go limp, he still held onto it. "I trust you."


Master Fu was tending to my wounds as I sat on a table. Cat Noir left the room and was currently feeding his kwami. Master Fu explained to me that a kwami is magical creature that can give normal humans powers. If I was still at home that would be illegal. I wonder if that's why I was sent here of all places, but then where was Dash, Mom, and Dad sent? How did Dash get here? And how did he get akumatized?

"I know you have many questions Violet." Master Fu said as he finished wrapping a bandage around my arm.

I quickly put up a force field which sent Master Fu falling back. "How do you know who I am?" I asked gritting my teeth at him.

He chuckled a bit, "I mean no harm... I have a sense when it comes to magical beings. Or should I say Supers?"

"You know about Supers?" I ask softening my face a little, but leaving my force field up.

"Yes, you're very different from Cat Noir and Ladybug. You inherit your powers through genetics, where they gain theirs from kwamis." Master Fu said as he grabbed his cane and lifted himself off the ground. "Hawk Moth has been after the remaining kwamis for years now. He went to the extremes Violet. He found your brother, mother, and father and akumatized them. I'm afraid that with Hawk Moth's added power and their super abilities Cat Noir and Ladybug will not be able to defeat them."

"No," I said releasing my shield and falling back onto the table. "They can't stay like that! They have no control over themselves!"

"If we want any chance of getting them back we're gonna need your help and more." Master Fu said as he turned his back toward me and approached a table with a record player on it.

"What do you mean?" I said slowly trying to approach him, the record player opened up and inside it revealed a black and red box.

He turned around and opened the box, out of the side of the box were little drawers, the contents of them all being jewelry. In the center was a ying and yang that was silver and black. The silver side had a claw and the other side had dots. Cat Noir and Ladybug. There were five other holders around the ying and yang, three of which were empty, but the remaining jewelry was a fox necklace and a bee hair comb. The side drawers held all kinds of colorful jewelry that also seemed to resemble an animal.

"I want you to choose a kwami."

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