Ch 1 Jaden's Return

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Everyone was taken back to the school. Everyone that is but Jaden. Everyone that knew or was touched by Jaden's love for dueling. When the gang got back many were asking what happened to Jaden. Alexis said that he went to face off against Yubel the person who caused this whole ordeal. After a while of the story telling by Alexis she broke down. She cried and her brother was so sad to see his baby sister in disarray. Then Axel, Jim, and Jesse left the island due to that their time at being at duel academy was up. They said that they hope that they see Jaden again one day.

Alexis and the rest of the gang were in Alexis' house and Atticus was making everyone dinner because Alexis was not in a stable mind at the time. As they were done eating Alexis had an announcement. Atticus was worried about what she was going to say. Alexis said "I know you guys are treating me like glass but I am ok I need to be strong for a while." Chazz said "and why do you need to be strong Jaden is gone there is nothing we can do about it ok." Hassleberry said "shut up Chazz and let the poor girl speak."

Alexis said "I know that you all love me but at this time I am going to ask you guys for your full support about what I am going to tell you next ok." Syrus looked at her and hoped what she said was good and would not be a bad way to end a great meal. Blair was still thinking that she could get Jaden but everything would change when she heard what Alexis had to say. Chazz was thinking it had something to do with Jaden but he waited to hear what she had to say. Atticus was the same.

Alexis said "guys mostly Atticus and Chazz please don't over react to what I say. I am pregnant." Chazz was the first to fall to the floor crying because the love of his life was having another mans baby. Atticus said "I am going to be an uncle." Alexis smiled at the rest of the gang having support but then everyone turned to see Chazz. He was angry but then he knew that it would happen sooner or later because Alexis loved Jaden. Then Chazz said "I am happy for you but not for him because I will beat him in a duel to prove that my love to you."

Everyone was angry that Chazz was still fixated or wanted to get in Alexis' pants. They everyone was shocked at what Alexis said next "I don't care what you think of me Chazz I was the one that pushed Jaden to make love to me and I wouldn't trade it for the world. So Chazz leave it alone and move on I mean come on I you truly loved me then you want me to be happy then let be with my true love."

Chazz was pissed off but she was right but the anger that he felt was to grate for him to bare. Chazz said "you fell in love with him when you two met and you are trying to tell me to calm down when you jumped into a marriage without any thought about what everyone else wanted or thought. Alexis you jump into things without thinking and I can't stand it anymore. You have a choice Alexis get out of the marriage or stay married and rot for the rest of your life." Alexis was so surprised at what Chazz had said then she ran out of the house and into the forest.

Alexis ran to the spot that Jaden and Alexis would always go to in times that they needed to think or calm down. Back at the house everyone was ganging up on Chazz and was angry that he was the cause for Alexis leaving the house. Hassleberry put Chazz in a head lock and told him to apologize to Alexis when she gets back or he will be the one sorry. Chazz then agreed for he was in need of air but he couldn't take back what he had said.

Alexis was at the cliff and she was crying for she was so sad about what Chazz had said. But there was some truth to what he said. She did jump into the marriage thing so soon but she loved Jaden with all her heart and would give anything for him to back and in her arms to comfort her in this time of need. Alexis' eyes began to water and streams or tears began to fall from her face. But then she knew that if she keeps acting like this then the baby will know what she is feeling and she didn't what that for her baby so she tried to stop crying at the moment.

She then looked up at the stars and then she saw a shooting star. She made a wish. She wished that Jaden would come back to her and she would kiss him with all the passion that her heart had in her. She then closed her eyes and pictured Jaden and she smiled at this. She then cried out "Jaden I need you. I don't think that me or our baby can survive with out you we need you Jaden."

She then opened her eyes and saw that a the star she wished upon what headed right for her. she got down as the star pasted her head. she ran to the crash sight to see the star but it wasn't a star or a meteorite. It was a brunette with a caramel spot on the top of his head. He was facing the other way as she gasped at the sight of her true love and she was so happy that he was back. Jaden turned around and saw his love. He walked up to her and smiled at the fact that they would be together forever but to seal the end of this nightmare of Alexis' Jaden kissed her to make sure that this was real. So she knew he was back and nothing else mattered at the moment and she would never let go of him for as long as she lived.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Jaden and his Love Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now