twenty four

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Love is the most curious thing I guess. Even now that I know who I really love. But what is she thinking? When will it be okay? Will it be ever okay? Too many questions.

Today was the game. This must be one of the most important game of Chris. There will be some university coaches watching. So if he did great. One university coach must want him. So maybe it's time. 1 week wasn't a long time. But it made us crazy enough to test each other. All I know is that I need him. So I get up of my bed and look at the best outfit I can ever wear for today. Maybe it's time to wear it. The black Jersey I got for my birthday from the team. So I don't wanna waste more time and go to bath. After the 15mins bath. I wore the jersey and it fits me perfectly. So I wore a simple black skinny jeans with it. And my black doc martens. As I look into the mirror, I saw the simple black baseball cap of Chris that he left the last time. I took it and wear it. And there I called Chloe and get to the game.

- at the game -

As I walk out of Chloe's car. Many people are now going to the gym. All people are now going inside. I just took a deep breath and Chloe cling on my arm.

"You know you look good with his surname on your back." Chloe said and I just smile at her.

"Thanks Chlo. Why does love needs to be this hard. I am scared to fall again." I said to Chloe and she just smile at me and walk inside of the gym.

As we walk together. I see hyped people for the game. Well this is gonna be the first game for this school year. Everybody must be fucking excited. When me and Chloe enter the gym. I look at the court if the Chris is already outside. But still the basketball teams is still not there. Just the cheerleaders cheering. Therefore people are all shouting and whistling. Especially when the cheerleaders are going to put one foot in the air.

"So where should we seat?" I ask Chloe and she smile and grab me to the court.

"We got the fucking floor seats babe." She said and I just laugh!

"Really? Are we really allowed to seat here?" I ask again

"Yes! We are the fucking girlfriends? Why not?" She said and I just laugh. As soon as the cheerleaders are done cheering at the court. The announcer finally gets the mic and speak.

"Now people are you ready to see the teams!" He asked the crowd and we just scream YES!

"Okay! So let's give it up to the first team. The visitor. The St. Paul High School!" It's the other team so I just kept my straight face while the other side of the gym screams! I am so excited to see him.

"So what about the team of this school! Are you all hyped to see them!" He asked again and we again scream Yes!

"Okay so scream now for the home! Philips High School!" When he said it. I stand up and scream. People in who support it also did it. So we just scream and cheer while they are showing themselves. I was waiting for Chris to get out of the and finally he came. He suddenly stopped his running and find something on the upper side of the gym. But Felix, his teammate tap his back and point at me. And there Chris look on to me. He smile at me mouthed 'I love you'. I smile back at him and mouthed 'I love you too.' His blue eyes just made me delighted. I am just in love with him.

Minutes have passed and the game finally started. Everything is intense but Chris is foing great. He's scoring greatly. And everytime he shoots a ball. He's gonna wink at me after those. All I do is just cheering and cheering for him.

3 quarters have passed. Now is for the last quarter. The scores are actually close. But still the Philips are leading. Not as easy as I thought than it is. This game is actually more intense now compare to the past 3 quarters. They are actually too tired. And Chris didn't even sit for awhile. He is playing too hard. But he is too tired. That's why their coach ask for a time out. They are now a little close to us. But still far. The coach made Chris sit first but I know he is not happy about it. I wanted to walk to them but it's not cool you know. I may disturb and ruin everything. I took out a paper from my bag and write something.


Hey, babe. I guess. You're doing great love. But please take a rest too. You have to gain strength too. Ugh! Who am I to know though. But please you're exhausted. I don't even know what I'm saying. But all I know is that I LOVE YOU. So much!


After folding the note. I called the water boy.

"Ey man!" I said and he walk to us.

"Ey man would pass this paper to Corbyn." I ask and he just smile.

"Why not! You're his girlfriend." He said and take the paper to from me. And I just smiled. As the water boy brought it to Chris. Chris took the paper and look at me. He smiled at me and excitedly unfold the paper. I love how he smile while reading it. After ready it, he's asking one of the people behind him and someone gave him a pen. Then I realized he is writing something on it too. Then he look at me, then kiss the note. I just giggle a little inside. He called the water boy also and ask him something. Now the Water boy got the folded paper and now he is walking to me.

"Hi Chris' girlfriend. He wants me to give this to you." He said holding out the folded paper to me. I grab it and say thank you. I look at Chris, but now the Coach is talking to him. So I just sigh and open the note.

To the most beautiful woman in jersey I know.


Okay okay, I will take a rest. But just a little bit. Because you know I'm always uneasy with basketball. But I will. And you know that I love you. You already know how crazy I am to you. See you after the game. I love you so much.


I smile and look back again to his place. But he is not in his chair anymore. He is playing again.! Oh he's really a dumbass. So I watch the game and cheer for the team.

"You two are really inseparable." Chloe suddenly whispered into my ear and I hug her arm.

"I don't know but I thought I knew what is it he has that is making me crazy. But now I just don't know. All I know is that I love him." I said and Chloe just scoff sarcasticly.

"Really? That's a little too cheesy Vanessa. Hahaha. So in love"

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