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Dean's POV
It was 8:00 in the morning when I woke up. I had the strangest dream. It was about me getting caught by these vampire/demon things and Castiel got badly injured, Cas was fighting off all those things and killing them, and I was dying. Then, I woke up after that.

I walk out of the guest room in Cas' house. I didn't see Cas in the living room or kitchen. I called out his name but there was no answer. I went to the window and didn't see his car in the driveway. I shook it off and figured he just had something to do.

~1 hour later~
Cas returned and for some reason I was overly excitedly to see him.

"Cas!" I said excitedly. I smiled at him.

"Hey Dean." He said but he didn't look at me.

Cas' POV
Even though Dean had said that none of this was my fault, I just kept feeling that this was all my fault. That Dean is human. Because of me. It's all because of me.

The drinks that I just had didn't do anything for me. I needed to go take a shower. Maybe that would take my mind off of this.

I walked into my room and went into my bathroom. I got a towel and locked the door. I got undressed and hopped in the shower. I turned on the shower and waited until it got warm to put my entire body under the running water. I grabbed the shampoo and started washing my hair. I rinsed my hair, grabbed the conditioner, and then did the started the process again. I rinsed my hair and then I started washing my wings. Alfie used to wash them for me when I first got them. After a few months of him doing them for me, I was ready to wash my wings on my own.

I started crying as I remember every time Alfie washed my wings. I missed him so much. I also missed Anna really badly. She would always make me feel better after Uriel would yell at me for something.

I would cry but Anna always knew how to calm me down. She used to help me with my homework when we were younger. I always trouble with math but she made it seem so simple whenever she helped me with it.

I started crying harder and harder as I remember all the memories I had with them.

I finished washing my wings and then I washed my body. Then, I got out of the shower, got another pair of clothes, and got dressed.

"Hello Cas." I heard Castiel say from behind me.

"Hi Castiel. How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"I'm doing good. My powers are up again, I'm healed, and I feel good. How are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm fine." I said.

"I could take you to heaven to see Anna and Alfie again if you'd like." He asked me.

I started tearing up again and I nodded.

He put a hand on my shoulder and we were in heaven.

"Cas!" I heard Anna and Alfie say excitedly.

I saw them and I ran towards them. I hugged them tight and started crying hysterically. I was so happy to see them both again.

"Cas, we're ok. You don't have to cry." Alfie said softly.

"I just miss you guys so much." I cried.

"We know. We miss you, too Cas. But, you'll be ok down on earth. We know you're strong and can protect myself. You'll be ok, Cas." Alfie reassured me.

I didn't move. I just kept hugging them. I was afraid that if I let go of them, they would disappear.

Then, I finally let them go and wiped away my tears.

"I'm so happy to see you guys." I said with a smile.

I stopped crying and kept smiling at them.

"It's good to see you, too Cas." They said.

"I'm so sorry for not getting to you guys sooner. I'm pretty sure if I had been there sooner I could've prevented it from happening." I said.

"Cas, it's not your fault. Plus, were happier up here. We're away from danger now. Now no one can hurt us." Alfie said.

I nodded.

"Cas, do you want to go now? I'm sure Dean would be wondering where you were." Castiel asked me.

I nodded.

"It was good seeing you guys. I love you both. Bye." I waved my hand and smiled.

"Bye Cas." They both said at the same time.

We zapped back into my room and Castiel zapped out of my room. I walked out of my room and I felt better. Seeing them again made me feel better.

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