Chapter One: Suspicion and New Car

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(Lila's POV)

I choked on air when my twin brother, Sam, was trying to sell our great grandfather's things during his presentation. He looked at me with a straight face and I slightly laughed. As he continued, I looked over to my best friend, Mikaela, who Sam had the biggest crush on, and her pervert boyfriend, Trent, and winked at her. She smiled. That's when I noticed Trent spit a spitball at my brother. I got really mad. For some reason, Mikaela looked at me funny as I started to cool down.

As class ended, Sam and I walked up to the teacher's desk to get our final grade. He gave us a B. I rolled my eyes at Sam as if I was blaming him because of his part of the presentation, and I was blaming him. I looked over to the doorway to see a certain concerned Mikaela. Sam looked over to her and blushed and went on talking to the teacher about 'What would Jesus do?' and I walked over to Mikaela.

(Mikaela's POV)

I looked over to my best friend, more like sister, and ignored who ever was presenting. She winked at me and I smiled with a little blush. Trent nudged my shoulder for me to watch what he was about to do. I was grossed out when he spit a spitball at the boy who was talking about selling something on his eBay page. I looked to see who it was and noticed it was Lila's twin brother. I looked over to Lila and got a little freaked out. Her eyes weren't the normal chocolate brown color I always saw, her eyes were now this really dark orange color, and they were glowing. I slightly waved at her knowing she was mad from what Trent did. She snapped out of it and smiled. I nervously smiled back as the bell rang.

Trent and I walked out of the classroom and I stayed at the door to wait for Lila. I was concerned for her. Trent tried to pull me into a kiss but I backed up and gagged. I stood in the doorway and watched Lila roll her eyes. Her eyes were about to change color again till she saw me and smiled. She walked over to where I was and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back.

"Hey Mikaela, so what'd you think about my dumbass brother's presentation? Pretty cocky wasn't it." She said, but I didn't answer. She looked at me and wondered why I didn't answer her," Mika, did you hear me?" I blinked a few times before answering. Her eyes turned into a crystal blue. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Uh, sorry, yeah the presentation was interesting. Can I do something really quick?"I didn't let her answer. Her eyes were still blue as I took a quick picture. I showed her and wanted an explanation.

(Lila's POV)

I couldn't believe my eyes. My eyes were blue.I looked back at Mikaela who wanted an explanation. I honestly couldn't give her one. Sam interrupted cheerfully and showed me the paper saying that the teacher finally gave us an A, well an A-! 'Thank you Sam' I thought knowing he just saved me. Sam didn't notice that Mikaela was there till she cleared her throat. Sam's eyes went wide as he nervously smiled and blushed.

"Hey are we still invited to that party tomorrow Mika?" I asked her. She nodded and walked away. Sam of course drooled over the way she walked. I slapped him in the back of the head and he screeched like a little girl. I just stood there laughing my ass off. I pulled Sam to our dad's car, hoping in the back, Sam showed him our grade. He smiled and said he had a little surprise for us. I got excited and started to heat up. I waved bye to Mikaela as we drove off. We suddenly pulled into a Porsche garage and I chuckled knowing what Ron was pulling.

"Ah, no no dad. Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Sam said getting excited thinking our dad was going to buy us a Porsche for our first car. I started to laugh my ass off as my dad smiled at how stupid Sam was. Sam looked at both of us with questioning in his eyes.

"Yeah I am, you're not getting a Porsche." Ron said laughing. They argued and I just ignored them. We pulled into a place that looked like a dump. I jumped out of the car and walked around,checking out every car. I suddenly spotted this beauty and felt like I already had a bond with it. It was a 1967 Camaro SS. I climbed in and giggled as I saw what was written on an air freshener. It said 'Bee-OTCH' with a bumblebee printing on it. I smiled and held onto the steering wheel.

"I think i'll call you... Bumblebee. My beautiful Bumblebee. Or Bee for short." For some reason, as I named the car I wanted, The seat started to heat up like the car understood what I was saying and liked what I was saying. I just ignored it and called out for Sam to come take a look.

(Sam's POV)

I was so mad at my dad for tricking me like that. I heard Lila calling for me and walked over to her standing next to a 1967 Camaro SS. I look at it and nodded my head in slight disappointment because of how old and rustic it looked. Lila motioned for me to sit inside and tell her what I thought about it. I sat down and suddenly felt really comfortable. I look at my sister who had a huge grin on her face, "It feels nice." I said holding the steering wheel. I laughed at the air freshener. I kinda thought it fit the car.

We asked the car dealer how much, and by our surprise, she said he had never seen this piece of 'junk' anywhere. He let it slid out of his mind and spoke," well with the custom paint job and me never seeing this car in my life," Lila cut him off.

"Is custom faded?" She asked but the dealer ignored her. I was dying to know the price and I could tell Lila was dying to know as well. We all waited for the man to tell us and he finally made his decision.

"Five grand." My dad sighed in disappointment and looked at us. I was mad because dad wasn't paying over four grand. So that meant we couldn't get this car. "Nope sorry, not paying over four." Dad stated. I looked over to Lila who seemed like she was about to cry.

"Alright then, kid get outta the car." The dealer said. I looked at him with frustration. "But i thought you said car picks the driver." I heard my sister whisper, 'smartass' to me which made me smile a little. "Yeah well not ones with cheap ass fathers." He exclaimed. I got out of the car, but when I shut the door on the driver's side, the passenger side flew open hitting the car next to it. I looked at the car and wondered what just happened when all of a sudden, all the car's windows, besides the car me and my sister really liked, were smashed and cracked. There was broken glass everywhere.

The dealer looked around in aw, and finally threw the towel in, "F-four thousand, just take the car and leave. Please!"

Lila paid and said she was driving. Of course, I gave in. I couldn't ruin her happiness. Thank god we have our first car. We headed home and went to our rooms and fell asleep.

(Bee's POV)

As I sat there all alone, I heard a voice that belonged to a femme. I looked and saw a beautiful femme walk up to me. I felt myself heat up as I noticed her eyes were glowing blue. I fell in love with her as soon as i saw those eyes. She opened my door and sat inside me. I heard her laugh. It was such a cute laugh. I wanted to talk to her so badly but remembered that Optimus ordered me to not come in contact with any humans. I felt myself heat up as she said my name. How did she know who I was? I tried so hard to stay cool but realized how beautiful she was and couldn't help it. I heard a man say something about the family not being able to take me with them. That's when I got really mad. And to make him pay the price, I screeched so loudly that all the car windows broke besides mine. The man finally gave I and allowed me to leave with them. Before I was released out of the scrap yard I was in, I noticed that the two children, were the Witwicky kids. Bonus for me. I let the femme drive me to their house. They exited and went inside. I snoozed for a few hours myself till morning arrived. I felt like I was already home. Earth, was now my home. My home was with the femme Witwicky. She was my home.

//First chapter of my transformers fanfic, hope yall like it. night!!!//XOXO--Kaylee

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