Chapter Eleven: Mission city

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//please watch the video😂 its so adorable. But funny!! Bee is so badass//

(Sam's POV)

I still couldn't undertsnad the connection between my sister and Bee. It was so weird and confusing I just didn't understand. I became more nervous than scared as we arrived it Mission City. Everyone started to evacuate  the civilians from the area. Suddenly everyone halted to a complete stop as an aircraft flew above our heads.

"Its Starscream!" I heard Ironhide yell.

"Everybody get down!" I got down once Epps said that.

Next thing I knew, a blast of gunfire echoed through the skies, and everyone was on the ground. I reached over to Mikaela , hoping she was alright. To my relief she was, and so was Lila. But what happened to another one that was close to me, made me tear up.

(Lila's POV)

I got up on my feet after the explosion only to see an injured love one, and I instantly started to cry.

"NO! BEE!" I pleaded him, "please Bee, you gotta get up. It can't end like this. Not now, not today! I just got you back!" I heard Sam call for Ratchet as I held Bee's helm in my lap. I cried harder than I ever had before. I couldn't let my Bumblebee die on me. I couldn't.

"It's going to be okay Lila. Bee is brave. He's going to make it. You just have to give me time to fix him." Ratchet stated giving me a convincing look. I nodded franticly and kissed Bee's mouth piece before getting back to my feet and rushing over to Mikaela who was now by a tow truck.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked. I looked at her confused, "we can hook Bumblebee up to the truck and pull him out of the battle area so Ratchet can fix him easier."

"That's actually a great idea. Where's Sam?" I asked her. I noticed something in her eyes that told me he was in trouble.

"Will told him to take the cube up to the building that had the statues and give it to military hands to get it a way from the city. I have a bad feeling that he is in tro-" she was cut off by a deep dark voice that gaves us the answer to Sam's whereabouts.

"Give me the Cube boy!" I ran to the corner of the alleyway to find Megatron chasing Sam. Gasping I ran back to Mikaela.

"Get Bee to safety. I have to protect Sam."

"What! No! That's suicide Lila. You could die out there." She said pleadingly.

"Mikaela, I have things happening to me that I can't explain. Powers that I never knew I had till I met the Autobots. I have to do this." I left before letting her reply. I heard her scream after me but I didn't stop. I was too worried about Sam to even look back at Mikaela or Bee. I heard Bee radio to me.

"LILA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET BACK HERE!" He yelled. I still didn't listen.

I felt myself running faster than I ever could before I knew I had powers. I had finally caught up to Ironhide and Ratchet who seemed to have been slowing down from the injuries they took trying to prevent Sam from getting hurt himself. I heard a familiar voice to my left and looked up to see Jazz being held by Megatron.

"You want a piece of me? You want a piece?" He screamed shooting at Megatron's face.

"No! I want two!" I gasped as I knew what was about to happen to Jazz. I waved my hand to get Megatron's attention.

"Hey asshole! Put him down and fight me instead. I mean I am Same sister after all!" And with that, Megatron threw Jazz behind him to the streets and rushed after me. I ran behind Sam and kinda scared him as I told him to follow me.

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