Chapter Four: Bumblebee, Bee, Ben

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(Lila's POV)

I had a nice nap when I got home from the police department. I still laughed at the thought of when Sam back talked the chief of police. I woke up and took a long shower. As I got dressed, I heard a knock on the front door. I pulled my shirt over my head and headed down stairs. I opened the door and saw a familiar boy standing on the other side. He had Blonde hair and blue eyes, was wearing a yellow short sleeve shirt and black shorts. I thought I recognized him and remembered the kid that punched Trent in the face. This was the same guy. "Hello, I haven't fully introduced myself. My name is Ben, But you know me as your beautiful Bumblebee or for short, Bee." He said with a small grin.

I looked into his eyes and realized it was really him. I smiled and hugged him. I jolted a little as I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I noticed him nuzzle his face in my neck and I started to blush. He kinda smelled like gasoline but I didn't care. I kinda liked it.

I lead him to my room, which was kinda messy, and shut the door so Sam wouldn't get so suspicious. My parents were at work so it was just me, Sam, and now Ben, well, my Bumblebee. "So how did you do that last night? I mean, whatever you did, to transform into that robotic figure? I mean, it's pretty awesome but wow." I said smiling. I saw him staring at me like I was something special. That could've just been me though.

"Well, you see, this isn't even my real form. This is my holoform. I really am this robotic figure you say I am. I've been like that my whole life." He said. I had my back to him, cleaning things off my bed and putting them in the dresser next to it. I felt strong arms fold around my shoulders and looked to see that one of them had this tattoo that looked so familiar from when I was just a baby.

"What's this?" I asked, "It looks really familiar. I used to see this symbol when I was baby." I looked up to see that his eyes were bright purple and wide. I couldn't believe that his eyes changed colors too. "W-why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. He opened his mouth and tried to speak, but nothing came out.

(Bee's POV)

How in the Allspark did she know about the autobot symbol? Is she really like me or just a smart, sexy female? Wait... did I just call her sexy. No, bad Bumblebee. She does look beautiful though, but I have no chance with her. Unless she likes me the same way. Anyways...

"You okay, Bee?" She asked. I snapped out of the trance and tried to change the subject.

"Yeah, i'm okay. Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look?" Well done stupid. You just lost your chances with the human, but wait, she's smiling.

"Awe Bumblebee. You are so sweet. You look good yourself. Inside and out. You have a great spark." She said. Oh my god, she said 'spark' again. What do I do? I took her hand, pulled her close and kissed her. Surprisingly, she kissed me back. I deepened the kiss and entered my tongue in her mouth. She moaned into the kiss.

We were interrupted by Sam walking in the door, but we still had our lips locked onto each others.

(Sam's POV)

I walked into Lila's room and saw her and a familiar kid making out. My eyes widened and I threw up in my mouth. "Lila," I said. She turned around, "what the hell are you doing?" She just looked at me then to the kid, then back at me. I did the same, but to Lila then the kid, then back to her. The kid just looked at me with his eyes that seemed like they were saying 'shit, i'm in trouble'.

"Sam, you should've knocked. This is Ben, uh, well--" She was cut off my this Ben kid holding his hand over her mouth then looking at her and shook his head. She nodded seeming to know what he was saying.

"Hello, Sam. My name is Ben. I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable it's just, well, you know." He said. The thing was, I didn't know. Before I could speak, he kissed Lila's hand and walked out of the room. I looked back at my sister who was redder than a tomato. I frowned at her. She saw this and looked down.

"Please don't tell mom or dad. You know how they will get." She said. I knew that they'd bug her the rest of her life so I just nodded and walked away.

(Lila's POV)

I couldn't believe Bee kissed me. Something in my spark told me that he and I were meant to be or something. He was a great kisser, a good looking, well, holoform and a great driver. There was something magical about him. It felt like I knew him my whole life, but how could I? I just met him, well, the true him, a few hours ago. I just had that feeling like my whole life was about to change, but in a terrifying way.

//OOOOOOOH okay, so there's chapter four for ya. very infisticated. Poor Bumblebee, Why did Sam have to ruin everything. oh well. I promise, there will be more of that where that came from. you'll just have to wait. //XOXO-kaylee

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