Chapter Seven: Sector Seven (Part One)

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(Sam's POV)

"Okay, me and Lila are going in to search for the glasses, so I need you to watch them. Five minutes, Okay." I told Mikaela as Lila and I ran up to the door. She nodded in understandment.

"Thanks for staying on my path." Dad said. We arrived to the door to catch our breathe.

"Oh yeah t-the path. I'm gonna sweep the whole thing right now," I said trying to catch my breathe and making sure he wouldn't come outside. I looked behind me after hearing some shuffling in the trees and saw Optimus. I sighed and knew I had to do a better job to get my dad to stay inside, "Dad, no, Dad.. God I love you, so much. You've so much for me.'

"Yeah well your mom wanted me to ground you, since you are fifteen minutes late past curfew." He said. I was bummed but had a good idea to make him leave the door and say inside.

"Oh well just another thing you did for me. Yeah well sleep good handsome man." I said, and he left. I turned around to Optimus who stepped on my mother's fountain.

"Oops, sorry." Said the great prime who asks like he's everything. It was true he was the only one who knew how to save our world.

"I said five minutes. I told you to stay, just stay, god." I replied angrily. I quietly scurried past my parents up to my room in search for the glasses. On my way up to the room, I saw Lila in her room laying on top of the same guy I caught her making out with earlier. I shook my head throwing the thought away since I had more important things to do. I stepped inside my room, shut the door behind me and locked it.

(Lila's POV)

I climbed a pipe that ran through where my bedroom window was and entered my room seeing a certain Ben sitting on my bed. I smiled and tackled him with a kiss. Once we broke it, I looked into his eyes and saw that they were light purple, and his face was completely red, for he was blushing like a tomato.

"I hope Sam can find those glasses." he said with disgust i his voice. I kinda frowned at the way he said it. He noticed my face and pulled me closer to his chest, where I could kinda see a blue flash.

"Bee? What's that?" I asked pointing to the blue light coming from his chest. He explained that it was a spark. When he said that, I thought of Optimus and felt sad knowing that he lost his child in war. Though she was still alive. Bee's holoform disappeared and I sighed. I heard a knock on the front door and walked to the door. Before I could reach it fully, Ben showed up again stopping me.

"I need to get you out of here. There are these strange men circling your house and I can't have you getting hurt." He said. God I loved him and wanted to tell him so but didn't know how.

"I can't just leave Sam and Mikaela here. They are my fam--" I was cut off.

"It's too late, they were already captured. I need to get you out of here. Now!" I didn't have anytime to reply as Ben picked me up and jumped out the window with me in his arms. He ran over to his car form, sat me in the passenger's side and drove off.

"Bee, i'm not leaving without my family. You understand. What if you're family was taken from you? How would that make you feel?" I asked.

"Lila, you have to understand, you are my family. You are the only thing close to having a family besides the Autobots. I can't allow you to get hurt. And yes, we are getting your brother back. Trust me." He said. Wait, did he just say I was like his only family. My heart tingled to his words.

We stopped under a bridge and I saw the vans that had Mikaela and Sam, coming our way. I watched as Optimus stopped the car and ripped the hood off. Bee drove up to where he was and transformed carefully for I was still inside him. He sat me next to Sam and Mikaela. All I wanted to do was hug Sam but since he was in cuffs, I couldn't. I saw Mikaela untie his cuffs a few minutes later. I just jumped in his arms and started to almost cry. He hugged back tightly.

I watched as Bee seemed to be peeing on a man who looked to be the boss of his little men in black group. I never laughed that hard in my life.  

We rode off, Sam, Mikaela and I rode with Optimus for some certain reason, but we didn't get far, for the guys in the black vans, were coming up behind us. "Optimus you gotta hid somewhere." I told him. He transformed and hid underneath the bridge. We all ducked into Optimus's hand as helicopters flew right under us. But one of them flew too close to our location and the only thing i knew, was that Sam and Mikaela were falling and I was still in Optimus's hand.

Out of nowhere, Optimus began to fall as well, which made Sam and Mikaela completely have no contact with Optimus. I as well fell out from Optimus's reach and was caught by the one I dearly loved... Bumblebee. I noticed that there were more guys than earlier. "Freeze it." I heard someone yell. My heart dropped as I watched a couple guys start to freeze my beloved Bee.

"NO please, Stop. He didn't do anything. Please!" I yelled. I could hear Bee, like, crying. I started to cry. "Please tell them to stop. He isn't fighting back. He didn't do anything. PLEASE!"

"I love you Lila. Just remember that." Bee whispered as I was being dragged away from him. I got loose from the guy that was pulling on me and ran to Bumblebee. I stood in front of him as the guys pointed their guns at him. For some reason they all stopped and stared at me strangely. Even Sam and Mikaela were shocked. I looked down and saw my body glowing in a green like flare. I was so mad at these guys for hurting my Bee. One of the guys shot the gun that was pointed at me, i froze in my tracks ready for the pain, but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw the bullet right in front of my face. I heard bee whimper in pain. I looked back at him and let the force field drop. The bullet dropped to the ground as well as I did when one of the men tackled me. I had tears running down my face as I watched my Bee being pulled away from me. The men sat the three of us in a helicopter along with a blonde female and this other guy who kinda looked like a tech nerd. I wondered where they were taking us. I wanted to know where they were taking Bee. God I hope he will be okay. I miss him already.

//Here's part one. part two will be up shortly. you guys are awesome. that's all I have to say. thank you!!!!//XOXO--Kaylee

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