Chapter Three: Kidnapped by My Car

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(Bee's POV)

Once the kids went inside the house, I activated my holoform and sat on the window ledge once again. Hours later, Lila was fast asleep. As I watched her sleep, I remembered that I have to signal for Big Boss and the other Autobots to arrive. I didn't want to leave my princess though. I picked her up bridal style, jumped out the window trying not to wake her, and sat her in te driver's seat. I kept her warm, but not to warm, so she wouldn't freeze. I wanted to tell her about my true for so badly. I wanted to tell her my feelings. I wish Big Boss would let me interfere. I love Lila so much. It just breaks my spark not being able to hold her.

We soon arrived to an empty lot where I transformed into my true form and held the girl close to my spark chamber. I slightly spoke to her through the radio, and by accident, I woke her up. She looked around to see her surroundings, and when she looked up at me, she gasped then screamed. I was trying to tell her to stay quiet. She finally stopped and laughed. I was so confused. I thought she was scared of me, but now, she had this huge smile on her face. "Hello my beautiful bumblebee." I heard her say. My optics went wide.

'B-b-but, how did you--" I was cut off by her laughing. She had the cutest laugh. When she opened her eyes, they were a bright purple color. I just smiled.

"I could tell it was you silly. I could feel it in my spark." She said. Wait, did she just say 'spark'? Was she like me?... Nah. It's a normal thing for humans to say.... Right?

I hummed and sat her down  transforming into my car mode. I opened the door and waited till she sat inside me. While driving, I activated my holoform into the passenger seat next to Lila. She looked over and gasped. I smiled and kissed the back of her hand. She smiled. I deactivated my holoform as we entered a scrap yard. I allowed Lila to exit my car mode before I transformed into my robotic self. I looked to the sky and set out a signal to my boss, Optimus Prime. 'Prime, it's clear and safe for you to approach.'

'Well done Bumblebee. And may I ask, did you find the Witwicky Children?' Optimus asked. I didn't mention about kidnapping the female Witwicky because he'd have my helm.

'Indeed sir. I have found the female and male Witwicky's. When do you think you'll arrive sir?' I asked through the radio connection.

'Shortly Bumblebee. I'll radio to you when we arrive.' He said. I cut out the connection and looked to find that Lila was missing. I suddenly heard a certain Sam screaming. I transformed into my car mode and drove to the location where Sam had Lila wrapped in his arms. They were standing on a couple trash boxes. I heard sirens coming our way and drove off in a different direction, leaving the children to the police.

(Sam's POV)

I woke up to the starting engine of a car, realizing that it was my car. I jumped out of my bed and ran to Lila's room, but when I opened the door, she was nowhere to be found. "Mom, dad, call the cops." I yelled as I ran to the garage, grabbed my mother's bike and looked for the car. I followed it to a scrap yard. I saw Lila exiting the driver's side and sighed in relief, until I witnessed something, I never thought I'd witness before. The car turned into this massive robotic figure. I yelled for Lila's name. She looked over at me and waved. I motioned for her to come to me and she did. I took her hand and ran. She tried to stop me. "Sam, hold on. Where are you taking me?" She asked.

"I'm getting us outta here." I looked at her with concern. She sighed at me. I heard a couple dogs growl that seemed to notice the location of Lila and I. They started to run for us as we ran from them. They somehow got unleashed and trapped us on top of some trash bins. I held Lila close to me as the extra terrestrial car came rolling in and scared the dogs away. I heard sirens of a cop car and eased up on my grip to Lila.

"Thank god, you're here." I said walking up the police car. They started to reach for their guns for some reason.

"Put your hands in the air, both of you." One of the officers yelled. I looked at Lila and did as I was told.

"No you got the wrong people, some one stole our car. We just followed it here." I said back. Though they didn't listen to me.

"Put your heads of the hood and put your hands above your head." The other office stated. I slammed my head on the hood. It hurt but i didn't care because I was pissed off. I looked over to Lila and told her to not say anything. We soon arrived to the police station at 5:00 am. I waited as Lila called our dad to come and bail us out.

Once our dad was here, the chief officer, called for us to enter his office and sit down. We did as we were told and he started to question if we were on drugs or not. I kept eyeing his gun. He noticed me doing so and started to question me bout it. "You eyeing my piece, fifty cent? Come on, make something happen, cause I promise you, I will take you down." He said. I moved my face closer to his and stared him in the eye.

"Are you on drugs?" I asked. I heard Lila laugh. The police officer looked at both of us and frowned. We were finally released and we all headed home. I swear, if mom was there, she would be throwing a fit.

// Next chapter is all about Bee and Lila. There will be some naughty parts to it so readers, you've been warned. hope you liked this chapter. Night!!!//XOXO-kaylee

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