Chapter Ten: The Cube

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(Lila's POV)

Monkey suit man led us to the open chamber with my Bumblebee. Sam and I ran in front of everyone. I stopped in my tracks and started to cry as I saw Bumblebee being attacked by the men with the ice guns. I started to scream at them to stop. Will and Epps did as well.

"Stop stop stop!" Monkey suit man said.

"Hold you fire!" Simmons said.

"Stop. Please stop." Sam and I said together. The men finally stopped and backed away. I of course grew closer to him.

"B-bee?" I asked with a soft voice. He turned his head to see me. I noticed his optics grow larger and turn a darker shade of blue. Suddenly Bee looked away from me. "No, Bee, look at me. It's okay. I'm here."

He hummed lightly and looked back at me. I smiled when he held his metal finger at me. I grabbed it and climbed onto his hand. He brought me closer to his face plate which of course, I kissed.

"The cube is here my sweet Bumblebee. We need you to help us get it out of here. If its even possible." I explained.

"Anything is possible my sweetspark." He radioed in. He sat me back on the ground before transforming into his car mode. I saw Ben inside, climbed in and kissed his lips. I didn't want to break it, so I moved to sit in his lap so we were chest to chest and face to face. I felt the car moved which made me jerk forward closer to Ben's chest. He held me to tight that it was hard to even move. He deepened the kiss and moved his hand up my shirt, rubbing my sides. Hr stared to kiss my neck which I bet he left a couple hickeys of some sort. Sam is so gonna be pissed.

The car stopped moving and Ben disappeared. Bee opened the driver side door so I could get out. As I did, he transformed into his robot mode. Damn that never gets old. I watched as he started messing with the bottom corner of the cube. It kinda startled me when the cube lit up. Bee finally figured out what he had to do and the cube started to shrink.

When Bee was done, the cube was nothing but a tiny human sized box that was almost as light as a feather. Bumblebee looked down at me and I smiled at him......

Until all hell broke loose

"All units retreat from the chamber holding NBE-1." The guy said over the speakers.

"Oh shit, Bee, Megatron is excaping." I yelled to him.

Bee hummed a little with fear, transformed into his car mode and had sam, mikaela and myself enter. I sat in the passenger seat while Ben's holoform appeared in the driver seat.

"Wait... Lila, this is the kid that saved you from Trent. And the guy I saw in your room with you the night Bee was taken. Who the hell are you?" Sam asked concern for my safety.

"Hey, dumbass, meet bumblebee's holographic form, Ben. This is Bee's human form or what he calls it, a holoform. He has every characteristic of a human. Now chill. And that night was a scary ass night for me, please don't talk about it." I snapped. Sam kept his eye on Ben, and I kept my eye on Sam. When same gave Ben the death stare, I blew it.

"Okay Sam, what the hell is your problem. He saved our asses from that monster that attacked us, risked his own life for us, almost got killed by sector seven, and is helping us hide the cube from Megatron. So if you have a problem with anything, keep it to yourself." I turned around to face the front of the car. I felt the seat viabrate a little. I looked at Ben, smiled, and whispered,'you horny son of a bitch' Bee smiled and pulled me into his lap. I giggled a little as he hummed in my neck slightly kissing it. I was glad to have my Bee back. I just hope we can end this war tonight.

//there y'all go, chapter 10 second part of chapter 9. The song above is a song I dedicate to Bee and lila. Its one of my favorites, well yeah, next part will be up shortly. Love y'all//XOXO-kaylee

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