Chapter Nine: Getting Bee Back and Retrieving the Cube

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We followed the guy in the monkey suit inside a secret underground area located where the Hoover dam was. I became frightened when we entered an opening. Standing still, covered in ice was the only robot I knew was the cause of the witwicky fate with the Autobots and the Allspark. It was a luvin image of Megatron. 'Oh shit' I thought knowing that it was a bad idea to be here.

"Lila, you okay?" Sam asked. I noticed him and Mikaela were holding hands. I smiled and nodded, still scared of being in the same room with Megatron. I kept a close eye on him the whole time.

"Dear god, what is that?" John, the secretary of defense asked.

"We call him NBE-1." Simmons said.

"NBE?" Asked another familiar voice. I turned to see Will's best friend and partner in crime, Epps. We looked at each other and smiled brightly.

"Non-biological extraterrestrial." Simmons stated.

"His name's Megatron." Sam and I said at the same time.

"Yeah, his name is Megatron, leader of the deceptions. Landed here looking for the Allspark to take over the world." I said.

"Allspark? What is that?" Secretary John asked.

"It's some kind of energy source shaped like a cube." I said smiling and nodding at the secretary of defense.

"And you're sure about that." Monkey suit man asked.

"Y-yeah, wait, you know where it is, don't you!" I screamed loud enough that everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us.

"Follow me!" He demanded.

"What you're about to see, is our crown jewel." Simmons said.

I dazed off into the sight of the cube. I didn't listen as monkey suit was explaining how it was found and who found it, until I heard Sam say something that caught my attention.

"Hey, where's our car?"

Simmons and monkey suit looked at each other.

//part one sorry I have class to attend😂😂//

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