Chapter Two: Crashing the Party

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(Lila's POV)

I woke up bright and early, went down stairs and ate my breakfast before taking my shower. The water felt relaxing and really warm. I always liked taking my showers with hot water. Once I was finished with my shower, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself and walked to my room to get dressed. I suddenly heard Sam calling my name to come down stairs. I walked down to see my brother cleaning dishes. He looked at me and smiled. "What's that face for?" I asked.

"So I promised Miles I'd take him to the party with us. So I don't want any drama between you two, okay?" I stared at him like he was crazy. He just looked at me and smiled. I started to get angry.

"No way we are bringing Miles. If he's coming, he can walk there, i'm not letting him in my bumblebee. I'm sorry but your friend is like a clone of Trent. He's a fragging pervert and i'm not about to let a pervert inside my car." I said angrily. Sam just looked at me weird and told me to look in a mirror. I walked to the closest bathroom and looked at my reflection. My eyes were a dark shade of orange. I looked at myself in fear. 'What's happening to me?' I asked myself.

Sam was in the doorway a little shaken up. I just looked at him and smiled and noticed my eyes were back to being the chocolate brown I was used to. Suddenly Sam's phone rang. He answered and I somehow knew it was Miles. "Yeah we'll be right there. Bye." He hung up. I sighed, grabbed the keys and went to the car. I sat down in the driver's seat and felt the seat heat up massively. I chuckled thinking that the car suddenly had feelings or something whenever I was driving. I just brushed it off and drove to Miles house.

(Bee's POV)

I woke up and activated my holoform. I sat on the ledge of the second floor next to the window that lead to the female's room. I watched her as she unfolded a towel that was around her body. My optics grew wide when I realized she wasn't wearing anything underneath. I just stared at her and suddenly heard Sam scream for her name. "Lila, come down here please." Lila, her name was Lila. It sounded so familiar, but I couldn't put my helm around it. I watched her leave in what looked liked a blue and white striped silk dress. I looked in awe as she swayed her hips. I deactivated my holoform as I heard the children coming outside. I heated up as Lila entered the drivers side. She sat down and I started to overheat. I heard her laugh a little. She must have noticed I was heating up.

We drove to a trailer park and stopped by this strange kid's house. I learned that his name was Miles and he was Sam's best friend, well, only friend besides his sister. He entered and I saw Lila stare at him with a mean look. I slightly shook the seat which got her attention. Momentarily, she hugged my steering wheel. I heated up so bad that I started to rumble. Lila laughed at this. She was so hot, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

(Lila's POV)

We arrived to the party and I jumped out of my Bumblebee running to Mikaela. We hugged each other and started to laugh. "So are you going to give me an explanation on why your Idiotic brother and his majorly retarded friend is here?" Trent asked, which made me pissed. Mikaela looked at me and I knew my eyes were a different color again. I look at Mikaela and she nodded. I kicked Trent in the member and started yelling at him.

"You have no respect for anyone but yourself. You worthless piece of shit. Mikaela doesn't deserve such a perverted asshole like you." I screamed. I noticed Bumblebee's engine roar. I smiled at him then looked back at Trent. He was standing up. He looked at me for a moment before slapping me across the face. Mikaela pushed him away from me and held me up making sure I was okay. Trent started to come back for more revenge till a handsome boy punched him in the face. He then looked back at me and smiled. He had Blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. He was wearing a yellow shirt and black shorts. I thanked him and he nodded in return.

I searched to find Sam and saw Miles climbing a tree. What a dumbass. Sam looked at me in worry as I realized he watched the whole thing. I gave him a sad smile and turned around to see if the handsome boy was still there, but when I looked, he was nowhere to be found. I thought it was kinda odd but I brushed it off when I heard Mikaela screaming at Trent. She pushed him away. She walked over to me and smiled. "I broke up with him. So we won't have to deal with him anymore besides school. One week though. I can't wait." She said excitedly. We were interrupted by a weezing noise coming from my Bumblebee. Mikaela and I walked over to him and chuckled. "Pop the hood." Mikaela said. Sam was with us so he popped the hood open before I could.

"Where's your dumbass friend at Sam?" I asked. He pointed to a group of girls. I gagged, when I saw him dancing with them like an idiot. The girls he was with were laughing which made me chuckle a little. I caught Sam staring at Mikaela's body and rolled my eyes.

(Mikaela's POV)

I looked at the engine in shock. It was a very nice and shiny engine. I didn't see anything wrong with it so I told Sam to start it. To my surprise, the car started and quivered a bit. Lila laughed for some reason but I let it go. My friend was a strange girl. I still wondered why her eyes changed color when ever she was mad or happy about something. I asked Lila for a ride home since I lived a couple blocks down from her.

"We'd be happy to ride you home, I mean uh, give you a ride home." Sam stated. I saw Lila staring at him for some reason when i realized what he actually just said. I didn't refuse after because they were the only ones left that I really had a connection with.

(Sam POV)

I still couldn't stop staring at Mikaela as we drove her to her house. She was so hot. Her body was so beautiful. All those curves and edges. Ugh she was so f-ing beautiful. We finally arrived to her house, and as she got out of the car, I started blush. She bent down and thanked us for the ride. "Well I guess there's more that meets the eye with you." I said nervously. I noticed how dumb that was and hit my head against the steering wheel. I whistling sound came from the radio and I looked at it mysteriously. 'What the hell was that?' I asked myself. I looked over to my sister who was now in the passenger's seat. "You wanna drive this thing?" I asked her. She got pissed when i said that.

"First off, don't you dare call my beautiful Bumblebee a thing, second I would love to drive him. Don't be such a Bee-OTCH, Sam." I laughed at her comment. I felt the seat shake a little and became concerned. 'What the hell is going on with this car?' I switched seats with Lila and we drove home. I went to my room exhausted and fell asleep. I had a wonderful time today.

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