Training Sucks

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            The blonde nearly fell of his Bed when I yelled.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU YELL YOU IDIOT" he yelled with messy hair.

     I was to tired to talk back that I shut the door hard on my way to the bath room.

"He's not a morning person" blondy said under his breath.

        As tired as I was I slowly was getting ready in the bathroom to get some training. When I finished blondy was patiently waiting out side the door. Time passed and we both walked our way to the court yard. By the time we got there we were both out of breath. We had to climb a nearly 50 sets of stairs or more to get there to my surprise it was pretty flat on the top and was connected to other hills. As soon as we caught our breath I spotted Eren surrounded by a large group of girls. When I looked at Eren I froze when he wasn't wearing his mask. He should be happy that he can't see my phyco look because the mask hide my face but i knew that he knew that some thing was off.
Eren's thoughts:

"I feel a disturbance in the atmosphere." When I turned around I knew I fucked up some how.

"Eren YOUR SCREWED" I said in my mad and phyco voice.
Even tho I was mad I couldn't help but smile to Erens exasperation. His eyes got small, and the smile he had on his face stand perfectly still, and the color from his skin turned pale as a ghost. My ora some how appeared behind me making me look more like a mad phyco. Still I don't now how Eren got scared when he saw me I mean I have a mask but i was still mad so I gave him a warning.

"I hate it when people don't listen...... Run" As soon as I said that Eren ran out of the crowd with me on his tail.

"WHAT DID I DO WRONG!?!" Eren yelled while running.

              I was to mad to respond. When I caught up to Eren he got a nice beat down. After I was done teaching Eren not to get my bad side for a day he was paralyzed with fear.

"So Eren where is your mask that I told you to keep on 24/7 because of you now what?" I asked

"............ I'll tell you what I didn't do with my mask like use it at desk at the dog park and have it still an by a dog." Eren replyed

(Author humor: at that moment Eren knew..... He screwed up)

"That is the most stupidest reason I've ever heard" I said angered more than I was already. I raised my hand to smack him in the head again when some one grabbed my hand.

"I think the poor boy had gotten enough punishment for a day" blondy said

"Not you again your another problem a hazoired to my health"I said with my head turned.

"What is that support to mean hoody?"blondy responded

"A...hum"Eren coughed getting our attenchen. "Yuki who's this guy?"

"This is my roommate, roommate meet my younger brother Eren." I said introducing both of them as they shook hands.

"This is really your brother.." blondy asked. I nodded my head in response. "But he's so smily and your..... You know died serious"

"We're not having this conversation again any way it's about time to meet our consular." I said turning my back on the both of them.

           As the three of us walked to the court yard there were multiple people scattered every where. Hoody, muscular, children, and more. We stood in a line waiting for our instructor. Not long after every on got in a line our instructor walked towards us. She was a tall women in with tan skin, jet blue hair, wearing a green jacket with green gym paints.

"Listen students I'm your sub Ms.Hates. First thing we're going to do today introduce our self then we'll do some exercises GOT IT!!" she yelled.

            One by one each student introduced them self, soon enough I was next "YUKI HARLOM AGE (type an age) " I said

"See we have a celebrity huh?... What ever don't expect any special treat ment " she said quietly.

"I wouldn't think of it" I said with a small smirk on my face still no one can tell.

"NEXT!!!"she yelled

"EREN HARLOM age (type an age)"

"Another one"she said quietly. "NEXT!!"

              Now it was blondy turn " LUCUS ORBEN age (type an age)"

"Good that about sums up all of them .... All right it's time for or exercise"

To be continued.......


Hello again and thank u 4 reading I'll make sure 2 make the next chapter more interesting.  As if it hasn't been interesting already. Oh and before I forget the picture isn't that good and I only know how to draw anime so deal with it. This r my original drawings so I am the right full owner of them. I'll be sure to do better next time any way thanks fore reading.

P.s. don't forget 2 vote ^_-

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