Beach House

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"How the did i get here?" Yuki said sitting on a beach towel at the beach under the umbrella, while watching her friends playing in the water.

~flash back~

Third person

Yuki lyed in bed sleeping away in a dark room with no sight of light. Night is the only time you can see Yuki the predator sleep 'peacefully' in it's natural habitat. Look there people! As five noisy creatures approach the sleeping creature with no thought what so ever. As the noisy creatures walk inches closer and closer to the sleeping Yuki the more they put their life's in danger.(a/h: take off your hats and salute). On yellow headed creature provokes the sleeping creature causing it to grow anger. The angered Yuki hates being woken by any noisy creatures and has no choice but to strike at the noisy creatures.

~ basically Yuki  is a hot head when waken up during her sleep. Lucus and the others really wanted to go to the beach. Only to earn a large bump on the head. Some how they managed to kidnap her to the beach. Eren packed her manly clothing like how a mother would. And that's how we got to the beginning of the story.

Yuki's pov:

I looked around after waking up and found my self on a seat on the beach. Still in my p-j's not really. It was just a t-shirt and black jeans. God why is it so HOT I thought. Suddenly I noticed a brown bag next to me it had some of my clothing inside and water prufe bandages. Must have been Eren concetering he's the only one that knows I need bandages. Luckly their was a public restroom near by that was clean. Wow a clean restroom you would have never thought. After I rapped new bandages around my so called chest I put on a dark blue t-shirt, dark green swim shorts, and lastly my mask. For once I didn't feel the need to put on my hoodie. I left my feet bare and walked on the cool sand on my way to Eren. They were still in the water except Lucus. You'd expect him to go in the water how come he isn't?. I went under the umbrella and sat next to Lucus and applied sun screen to my self.

"Why don't you join them?" I asked him

"I-i um..." he thought of what to say. "I need a nice tan don't you think?"

"Oh is that why your red?"

He paniked and stole my sun screen only to yell in pain.

"I know just what u need" he looked at me confused before walking away with a bucket.

I came back with white chunks inside and I told Lucus to apply some on his skin. He hesitated at first but did it in the end.

"Whta is this stuff? I mean it's not bad it's really helping thanks bro"

"Your welcome" I said standing up and walking towards the water "oh and it's bird dodo that's what you get for bringing me here early in the morning without my permission...idiot" I put my foot in the water and went further in with the others while I heard a scream behind me.

I swam deep under the water and allow my body to float up to the surfice. The water was cold, but i didn't mined I enjoyed it. It was all ruined when some thing grabbed me from under the water and pulled me under the water. I struggled to escape,when I turned my head my eyes meet Eren sorta he realised and we both swam to the surface.

"What's your problem?"

"I have a lot of problems, but that's not important why does Lucus look like a Hot Cheeeto?"

"I don't know"

He shruged his shoulder than smiled brightly taking my hand and dragging me towards the other who now layed with Lucus.

"Guys I have an idea" all five of us looked at Eren curiously.

"Volley ball!! Losing team has to do a punishment"I fround at the idea while every one cheered. I was dragged ruffly bye every one.

"Eren,Lucus, and Max will be one team. I'll take the girls" I announced.

"No far.... I wanted to be with the girls" Lucus said mumbling the last part to him self.

The game began with Eren throughout the ball and Maw jumping in the air to hit it to our side. We missed and the guys earned a point. Round two we had the ball. (A/n: sorry I don't know any thing about volley ball)

~time skip brought to you bye a lazy author~

I was out of breath we lost to the guys and our punishment was soon to come.

"Yuuuki~"I heard a soft male voice call from behind.

They blonde jumped on my back "come on cook I want food~" that only made me smirk.

"Scarlet I think we should go shopping~" Eren cried

"~Emily my feet are tired carry me to my room... Chop chop HURRY" Max demanded.

I stood in the kitchen working on my master piece. Done! I thought I brought my dish that was covered over to Lucus jumping up and down like a child."here you go" I opened the top to let the fresh are be consumed by the sent of deliciousness. I swear I saw drool coming out of Lucus mouth.

He consumed the entire plate in a blink of an eye. Not even Max can match that speed.

"Few~ that tasted good" he said now with a big tummy.... Growl~ after that his tummy started talking. Lucus ran to the bathroom leaving me standing there smirking, knowing no one can see. I held a small bag to my face still smirking.

"Oops~ oh no what's this powderOh... It looks like diarrhea powder~" hehehe I'm evil.

Scarlets pov:

I was stuck with Eren and he had bought stuff for me at the mall. Deep in thought I bumped strait to Eren's back.

"Waz up?" I looked at Eren face to see him smirk.

"Lets go in their~" he sang pointing at Victoria secret.

Thought it was unexpected when we went to the bra section. I blushed deep red in embarrassment and anger.

"Here you go~" he said holding a child's sports bra.

My mouth hanged open and Eren put a hand on my shoulder trying to hold in his laughter. I looked around to see the store paled with women. I smirked to myself and quickly wipped it off my face.

"SOME ONE HELP ME!! HE'S TRYING TO RAPE MEE!!!" I yelled seeing Erens eyes fell with fear as women surrounded him with glowing red eyes and dark ara's. I escaped the crowd and held in my laughter and left.

Emily's pov:

I carried a plate with a steaming hot tea cup towards Max.

"What the hell is this?"he said after taking a sip of tip. "Make me another,make it better this time" brat's been getting on my nerves.

I accidentally tripped on his bag dropping a small remote controller. I bent down to pick it up and max be gain to wiggle in his seat nervouse.

"What's this?" I asked. He be gain to sweat like crazy in his chair.

"U-um n-nothing" he stuttered.

I moved the joy stick and on the corner of the room the same ball we used earlier started to move. Oh... OOOOH I was posses. And through the dawm thing on the floor watching as it shattered in tinny pieces.
I poured the hot tea his pants and walked away as he screamed in agony.


Sorry 4 not updating sooner but I've been busy with school and my pets and stuff. It's just so stressful any way I hope u guys liked this chapter. And don't forget to vote and leave comment.

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