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I fell asleep with the thought in my mind. I woke the next morning to jc banging into things. I jumped up and ran down stairs to see jc with a bottle in his hand and him falling onto the couch. "Brianna was soooo good" he said slurring his words. Kian walks in the same way behind jc. "Meg was evenn better " he exclaimed slurring a little less than jc. I was shocked. My jaw was to the floor and my eyes were glossy. I was ready to cry, I knew it was all too good to be true, I couldn't trust jc. I ran to my room and just cried for hours. The lights were off and I just laid there staring at the ceiling , drowning in my tears. Then I got up and went into the bathroom. I grabbed a razor and banged it against the counter till the blade popped out. I picked up the small blade and slid it across my wrist. Over and over again I watched the blood ooze from my skin as tears flowed down my face. I poured a bottle of peroxide on the red lines and wrapped them up. I laid back down and watched Netflix in a bundle of crumbled tissues. I was covered in sweat and tears over a few hours of moping so I took a hot shower. I wanted to clear my thoughts so I stood there while the water hit against my skin. It soothed me and made me calm. I finally stopped crying and went downstairs hoping to avoid Kian and jc. I slid into the kitchen and got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'm walking down the hall to the stairs and jc slides in front of me and stops me from moving. "I'm sorry" Jc whimpered. "No jc! Ur not sorry if you keep doing this! I don't care what you say, you were drunk, it was a accident, u still did it! I can't do this with you. I thought you were happy with me but I'm guessing not. I'm going back to my place tomorrow morning, I'll raise the kid on my own" I yelled in his face and walked back to my room. I blasted some music and packed up all my belongings. After getting everything together I went to sleep. I don't care what jc was doing he wasn't my responsibility anymore , I'm leaving as soon as I wake up.
Moving morning
I jump out of bed and grabbed my suitcases and walked down stairs. I didn't worry about getting dressed or eating breakfast I was happy to leave. I said bye to Kian and gave him a hug. I walked to the front door and looked back one last time and then went into my car. I drove down a few streets thinking about starting my new life without jc and arrived at my old apartment. The door swung open and there it was, Home sweet home.

Living a dreamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin