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* 4 months later *
Push!! Is all I heard in the background of the hospital room. It's been 4 months since I forgave Jc and I always think about that day. Currently I'm having the baby with Dom. Push! The Doctor yelled and I did as he said. Ughh! I screamed in pain for the final time , and was in relief when the baby was out. Dom ran over to the baby , smiled, and kissed my head. "Hey Dom , can we have Jc come , I feel like that's the right thing to do?" I asked him calmly. "Of course, anything for you" he took out his phone and called up Jc. I grabbed the phone and brightened up when he answered. "Hey Jc! Alittle Someone wants to see u at the hospital!" I exclaimed into the phone. "I'll be right there!" Jc chirped.
About 5 minutes later Jc barged into the room and grabbed my hand staring into the infants eyes. The baby boy stopped crying when he saw Jc and fell asleep . "Hey! Let go , she's my girlfriend not yours anymore !" Dom came up into Jc's face. "Yo dude calm yourself it's my baby" Jc shouted. "Both of you chill! Your going to wake the baby" I sat up a bit. "What are we going to name him" Jc whispered. "I think his name should be justin" I smiled and kissed jcs cheek. Dom stormed out of the room and Jc sat on the end of the bed. " I still love you ash , I always did and always will. I miss you and want you back but you seem happy with Dom. I don't want to bud into your relationship but I thought you should know I'll always be here if you need me.  You and little justin mean the world to me." Jc patted my leg and started to walk out. " I love you too" I mumbled and then he turned around, ran back to me , and gave me a kiss on the lips. He let go quick. " wait Jc , come closer" I said seductively. He followed my orders and our lips touched again, longer now. I stopped him from going any farther because I didn't want Dom to walk in and I had to get ready to leave and take the baby home. I got up as the doctor said to and checked out. Dom was in the waiting room with the baby and we walked out together. I told him to wait a minute so I can say goodbye to Jc and he went into the car with justin. "Let's give us another try and be a happy family, just me , you, and justin" I tugged at the collar of his shirt. "That sounds perfect" Jc kissed my forehead. "I'll see you later " I whimpered and walked to the car. "Hey Dom! Let's get home I'm beat" I told him and he drove away. We got to my house and I put justin in the crib I bought last week. He drifted asleep and Dom left. I went up to my bedroom and texted Jc "it's good to be back" and then texted Dom " I feel that we need to break up now that I have the baby." Jc responded with " I love u" , I said it back and Dom left me on read. I put my phone on the charger and went to bed. The next morning I slipped out of my bed and took a warm shower, did light makeup and put my hair in a bun. I got dressed quickly

And called Jc to come over

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

And called Jc to come over. He showed up and I let him in. "Hey babe" he yelled coming into the house. Kian walked in after him because he was babysitting. "Hey I'll be right done" as I ran down the stairs. "Thanks for doing this Kian." I stated. "Of course" Kian smiled and went up to Justin's room. I decided to take Jc to a little park down the street from my house and have a picnic. I grabbed my keys , basket with food and a blanket. Jcs hand was in my hand and we walked down the street. "You know your the best right? " Jc smiled. "I actually think your better" I blushed. "Oh really?" Jc smirked. "Yup" I squeezed his hand harder. We got to the park and set up our stuff. It was a cute little date , eating our sandwiches and talking all day. It started to get cloudy (ha cloudy, Jc, I'm funny I know!) and we packed up the food. Then it started to rain. It was a light drizzle and then out of no where it started to get harder. We started to laugh and play in the puddles. "I don't like the rain!" Jc shouted. "Here I'll keep u warm and dry!" And I put his head in my jacket. "I pulled him out after he started laughing and we ran home in the down pour. When we got the door, we were soaking wet, the rain was still falling heavily outside. We bursted through the door giggling , very content. I saw Kian asleep on the couch and smiled. We walked down the hall , me in front and Jc in back. I felt a pair of strong hands grab my waist, turning me around and pushing me against the wall. Jcs lips soon finding mine and my arms wrapped around the back of his neck out of habit, jcs hands now digging into my waist. Breathing heavily, Jc put his hands on the back of my legs, motioning me to jump, so I did, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. Pulling my head back, jcs lips were exploring my neck, leaving soft kisses along my skin as a heavy breath escaped my mouth. Jc was now carrying me towards my bedroom, not long after my back hit the mattress, Jc climbing over me. I looked up to Jc and we both smiled at the exact same moment , I started giggling. Jc took both of my arms and pinned them above my head, leaning down slowly he looked into my eyes as our lips connected again. Jcs kisses were like a drug, I couldn't stop taking. He sparked millions of volts of electricity through my body with every single touch he'd ever given me. This boy was my sin, I was dancing with the devil. Little did he know he was my angel, my everything. Jcs hands slowly ran down my body, from my arms to my waist, exploring every part of my body. Closing my eyes I pulled my head back as I felt my pants being pulled off my legs, the rain soaked material hitting the floor. Jc kissing up my legs as he moved towards me again. His hands lifting my shirt as he reached my face, I lifted my arms and he pulled it off, throwing it to the pile of clothing that was starting to multiply on the floor. Jc bit down on my lower lip lightly, pulling away slowly as a harsh moan escapes my mouth. This was going to be a long night. I opened my sleepy eyes being greeted by the pooling sun coming through the window. I took a deep breath in, cuddled into jcs side, looking up he was still peacefully asleep, his arms wrapped around me tightly. I smiled to myself. I lifted the sheets to find both our naked bodies tangled up together. I pulled myself out of jcs embrace, sitting up and stretching my tired body. Jcs arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back down, he pulled me into a tight hug once again. "Where do you think your going" he asked. His morning voice was raspy and so hot. "No where, back down here in your arms" I leaned up to kiss his cheek and whispered in his ear "I'm not leaving ever again"

Living a dreamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin