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Ashley's pov
I hang up from the call and take a shower, soon after I decide to text him Dom.
A~ Dom I need to tell u something
D~ yes..?
A~ I'm pregnant with Jc's baby
D~ I'm glad u told me, I'm mad but I understand, we can raise him together.
A~ thank you for being understanding
D~ no problem babe
A~ love u
D~ love u too, now get some sleep
~end of texts~
I slide into my comfy sheets and drift asleep. I wake up the next morning to the birds chirping and a sunny day. I took a hot soothing shower and threw on some clothes.

I called Dom and told him to come over

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I called Dom and told him to come over. About 20 minutes later Dom arrived. We hung out on the couch for while until he decided to take me to the town fair so I got up , put my hair in a messy ponytail and grabbed doms hand. He drove and we got to the grounds in 10 min. We walked around for awhile and played a bunch of games , he won me a fluffy unicorn and a penguin stuff animal. Then when it was night time we went on all the rides. The sizzler was super fun because I got to squish him and then he held my hand because I was scared on the orbiter. After everything, to end our fun night we went on the Ferris wheel. We went around a few times and then it stopped at the top. We were silent for a few seconds until he grabbed my jaw and kissed me. It was a amazing kiss again. I felt the butterflies and there were sparks flying, literally , fireworks were giving off right behind us. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds and ended when the guy told us it was time to get off. We walked to the car, hand in hand and he drove me home. I gave him a kiss on the cheek , said thank you and walked inside. My door swung open and in the shadows I saw a figure on my couch...

Living a dreamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin