Chapter Four: Carlie Banes

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“Are we an item, girl quit playin’. We’re just friends, what are you saying?” Justin Bieber’s heavenly voice swam into my ears as I shimmied around my flat shrieking the lyrics to Baby.

          “I’m like baby, baby, baby ohh! Baby, baby, baby no! Thought you’d always be mine,” I sing off-pitch while setting a stack of video games down on the caramel colored carpet that decorated my flat.

          As Luda raps, I gaze at the floor. Pillows, check! Blankets and games, check! Littering the carpet with bright neon colors were unopened bags of candy and crisps. The kitchen wasn’t any better, boxes of canned cola taking over my counters.

          “All set!” I chuckles, wiping my hands together. Every Wednesday, Niall and I either do a movie marathon or a video game marathon-with some random dance offs in-between. I sat in front of my snow white couch-which is the color I plan to keep it in- on the floor and hooked up my X-box to play Fifa.

          The clock ticked on and on as I tap away at my controller. After what seemed like hours, I check my phone. 8:30, I frown and gnaw on the inside of my cheek. Niall was always at my shared flat at 7 on Wednesdays-the days my roommate Nikkita has classes at the local university until late in the night.

          I unlock my screen and text my late friend, “Where are you?”

          My fingers tapped against the X-Box controller impatiently as I waited for Niall to respond. Normally he texts back in seconds, but I still get no reply. Weird, I sigh and continue tapping my fingers. I didn’t want to continue playing in case I missed Nialler’s text.

          “Breathe Carlie, he might be busy,” I whisper to myself. I give a wide smile and unpause my game, hoping that soccer will take my mind off of the missing Niall. Every few moments, I turn my head from the screen and gaze at my phone. Against my better judgment, I pause the game and send another text, “Niall, you’re late! Hurry up.”

          This time Niall texted back immediately, “I’m not able to go. Sorry. DTB.”

          Not able to go? Then “don’t text back”? I grind my teeth in frustration. What’s up with him? I smirk deviously at my telephone and begin to dial his number. Niall said to not text back-nothing about calling.

          “Hello, this is Niall; I’ll call you back soon, yeah?” His voicemail sounded cheerful enough, but I doubt he’d actually be. I called again, his voicemail greeting me once more. Third times a charm, right? The phone rang, a dial tone piercing my ear. I sigh and hang up, calling once more. Immediately his new voicemail message gets my blood boiling, “Carlie Banes, I said stop calling me! This is ridiculous and outrageous. I’ll talk to you when I talk to you!”

          I scowl and quickly spit out, “What’s gotten your knickers in a twist? We’ve been doing this every Wednesday since you’ve got back from tour. Can’t you at least warn me when you won’t show?

          “When you get back, I swear you’ll wish you never met me!” I slam my finger on the hang up button and scream loudly. What an ass! If he sent me another text, that would’ve been a bit better, but setting it as a voicemail-where everyone can hear it- is rude! I understand I was a pest, but still!

          My fingers fly across my phone as I dial Harry’s number.

          “Hey,” He murmured.

          “Yo. Can you come over? Nikkita is at school.” I rush out.

          “Don’t you and Niall do that thing tonight?” Haz asked softly.

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