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"Bombarda!" I shouted breaking the lock on the door. I tore the lock off before pushing open the old door. I stepped inside of the small cottage which stood in the middle of a forest.

The bag slid off my shoulder hitting the ground with a thump. Kneeling down I pulled a radio out of my bag and another small bag with food. I placed it on the dusty table. Flicking on the radio I adjusted the station to Potterwatch.

Lee Jordan has set up a radio station to those whom oppose Voldemort to give reports that the Daily Prophet won't give. As I listened I paced around the small room nervously, hoping that I won't hear the names of anyone I know.

It's been four months since the wedding. I've been leaving false trails to the Death Eaters so they wouldn't find me.


I lit the lantern before waving the match to make it go out. The cottage didn't have electricity so the lanterns will be fine. I carried it over to the small round table before sitting down in a chair. With a sigh I moved my tangled up hair in a pony tail.

I ate in my usual silence.

Maybe I should cut my hair or change the color of it so it's harder for people to recognize me. Perhaps it'll make it easier for me. I sighed heavily before propping my head up on the table with my hand.

I wonder how the others are doing. I hope they're safe.

Maybe I should visit the Weasley's, to let them or one of them know I'm all right so they could pass it on to the others.

No I can't do that! It would be too dangerous to show myself. But if I'm in my animagus form it wouldn't be too bad right? Perhaps. I mean the only ones who know of me being an animagus is my family and friends.

The shimmer of hope diminished when I remembered that Bellatrix knows about it seeing as I attacked her in that form and surely Lucius knows too.

Inwardly groaning I leaned back in my chair covering my face with my hands. My hands fault wet as tears fell down my face.

"Don't cry Anna." I whispered to myself. "It's better this way. They're safer without you there."


"I'm so stupid for this." I lowly growled before standing up. I pulled my black cloak around me before pushing the old wooden door open. The wind whacked my face as I shivered slightly. I ran out into the woods before shifting into a wolf and then sped faster through.


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