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I slowly crept up to the Burrow. The lights were still on inside so they were awake. The door was opened. Being as quiet as possible I crept over to it and peered in. Mrs. Weasley was making dinner. I felt my stomach grumbling. It took over a day to reach here so I haven't eaten anything since the night before.

I didn't see George or the others. I walked back and walked the perimeter of the house. I heard footsteps behind me. I jumped around and growled threateningly. I stopped as I saw who it was....George.

He looked down at me under scrutiny. His eyes narrowed down at me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. His lips fell slightly agape.

"Anna?" He asked. I nodded. He ran forward dropping down onto his knees and hugged me. I shifted back and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. I breathed in his scent. I felt him slightly shake as a sob escaped.

"I thought you were dead." He whispered his voice cracked which broke my heart. I hugged him tighter.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Georgie I was trying to protect everyone. It's better this way." I told as I pulled away feeling my own tears sliding down my face. He wiped my tears away as I did the same to him. He cupped my face with his hands and slowly kissed me. I kissed back.

"I love you." He told me. "I love you so bloody much." I cracked a smile and laughed.

"I love you too George." I whispered before kissing him again then hugged him tightly before moving away from him. He looked hurt by my action making me feel guilty. "I'm sorry but I can't stay." I said looking down as George stood.

"Why not?!" He asked loudly.

"It's not safe for any of you if I'm here I just wanted to know if everyone was safe." I exclaimed. He sighed heavily before turning his back to me.

"They're fine. Mum his worried for you and the others."

"Tell them I'm all right and that I miss them." I said.

"Yeah. Fine." He said roughly. I sighed before walking over to him. I slid my arms around him from behind laying my head against his back.

"I'm sorry it has to be like this."

"I am too." He whispered.


I walked through the forest back to the cottage. It took a shorter time to get back luckily for me. The sun was setting but I still had day light.

I heard a twig snap. I cautiously looked back but didn't say anything. I took a deep breath and gripped my wand that was in my pocket as I continued to walk.

A wave of smoke went past me. I cursed under my breath as a Death Eater apparated in front of me. It wore a mask so I didn't see its face.

"Stupefy!" I yelled sending them flying back. Another appeared besides me. I turned. "Expelliarmus!" The wand flew out of the persons hand. I heard cackling from behind me. I whipped around with my wand raised.

"Expelliarmus!" My wand went flying away from me. I looked over at Bellatrix who was smirking with two other Death Eaters behind her. More apparated so they surrounded me. "Looks like you're surround ducky." She said teasingly.

"The hell do you want?!" I spat. She frowned before anger showed on her face.

"Don't talk to me like that you filthy half-blood!" Bellatrix shouted. "Crucio!" I dropped to the ground as the searing pain coursed through my body. Tears fell down my face. I gripped a fistful of grass.

She lifted the spell I gasped when she did so. I pushed myself up to stand.

"The Dark Lord wants you. If deny him again you'll be killed like your precious little mummy." My eyes widened causing her to smirk.

" My eyes widened causing her to smirk

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"You're lying!" I shouted.

"Am I? Now be a good little girl and come with us. You're wandless so you can't simply take us. I clenched my fists and smirked. "What are you smirking at?" She spat irritation in her voice.

"You're right I am wandless. But that doesn't mean I'm powerless." The wind picked up around us. Bellatrix glared at me. I raised my hands as fire formed. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Tell Voldemort if he wants me to come get me himself." I said before shooting my hands out as he wind picked up the fire and circled my creating a wall. I pushed my hands out and it quickly expanded hitting the Death Eaters. Some disapparated including Bellatrix the others laid on the ground what I presume to be dead.

I breathed heavily as I picked up my wand and continued my walk to the cottage.


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