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The bodies were carried away and Harry left for the Forbidden Forest to face Voldemort. We all sat around in the Great Hall helping the wounded  and the mourning. The sun was rising but was covered in clouds.

My head rested on George's shoulder with his arm around me. The tears were dried up on my face. 

"Leave." George whispered. I lifted my head up and looked at him.

"What?" He turned my way and cupped my face. Tears and dirt stained his face. "I said leave. Voldemort will come for you. Once he's done with Harry he's coming for you. I can't lose you too Anna I can't." My eyes widened.

"How do you know this?" I asked him quickly, I feared what answer I would get in return.

"He told me." He whispered. I moved forward so I was kissing him. I pulled back.

"He won't get me. I promise." I told him.

"How do you know?" He asked.

Hagrid was holding Harry's body. Death Eaters, and Voldemort.

I stood up abruptly.

"They're coming!" I yelled.


Neville was outside holding the sorting hat. Everyone followed me out. Ginny was standing next to her father. You can see Voldemort and the others coming.

"Who is that?" Ginny asked. "Who is that, that Hagrid's carrying? Who is it?"

"Harry Potter....is dead!" Voldemort announced with pride. Ginny cried out running forward but Mr. Weasley held her back. "Silence! Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead, from this day forth, you put your faith in me."

"Like hell we are!" I yelled stepping up. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"Ah, Annabelle Black, just the witch I wanted to see." I rolled my eyes. "But however I will deal with you later...now is the time for you all to step up and join us or you all will die."

"Just because Harry is dead doesn't mean we won't stop fighting against you! We lose loved ones everyday. And the lives that were lost today didn't die in vain and no matter what even if they are gone they'll always be here in our hearts like my father once said!" I yelled. "We will keep fighting and you can't stop us. Neville!" 

Neville pulled out the Gryffindor sword as Harry flailed out of Hagrid's arms. 

"Confringo!" He yelled shooting fire at the snake Nagini then ran off with Voldemort casting spells at him. We all fell back and ran into the castle.


The Death Eaters that stayed fought in the Great Hall. I ducked behind a pile of ruble before standing and shooting a spell at one.


I froze wide eyed as I dropped down to my knees. I crumbled up and withered in pain. My mouth left a gape as I wanted to scream.

"Not my daughter you bitch!" I saw mum as she threw a spell at Bellatrix in doing so took the cruciatus curse off of me. I gasped in air.

Bellatrix and Mum continued to throw spells at each other why'll throwing curses at each other. With every spells they shot at each other the other blocked it. The ground shook as a crack went down between them.

And then finally the one spell hit Bellatrix causing her to freeze up and then she shattered to pieces.

I sighed in relief. I was helped up off the ground. 

"Are you all right?" She asked. I nodded.

"I'm fine." I said brushing myself off. 


I stood there hugging the wits out of George, smiling.

"Why are you all smiley?" He asked.

"It's over. It's finally over." I told him closing my eyes.


Next chapter is the last!


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