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The moment we arrived at Hogwarts I took off to find George. I know he's here. I'm not sure how but I know. There was a barrier surrounding the castle and how mum and I were able to apparate inside is beyond me.

I ran up the stairs seeing Kingsley and Uncle Remus looking out.

"At least the fun didn't start without me." I commented sarcastically. They both turned around. Uncle Remus ran up to me. I hugged him back tightly.

"You shouldn't be here." He told me. "You know who-" I cut him off as I stepped back.

"I know. That's why I'm here. Mum and I had this sort of vision and we just knew we had to be here. A fight is going to break out. I know it. We just must be ready."

"And we are." He told me with a slight smile. I hugged him once more.

"Family wise I probably missed you the most Uncle Remus." I told him. He smiled at me.

"I've missed you too." He said. I smiled at him.

"Anna?" I hear voices say in unison. I looked over and saw Fred and George. I ran down to them. I hugged Fred first since he was closer.

"Merlin I missed you Fred." I said releasing him. He grinned.

"You better go over to Georgie. He looks like he might cry." Fred teased. George rolled his eyes as I went over to him. He bent down and wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up and spinning me. I giggled as he set me down. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and smashed my lips onto his.


Students were running around everywhere. To my horror the barrier that once stood was falling apart.

"Oh my god." I whispered. I took my wand out just as Death Eaters and giants started running toward Hogwarts. Everyone was screaming while pushing past me. I ran down some stairs. I turned back. "Stupefy!" I yelled hitting a Death Eater.


Parts of Hogwarts were on fire. Fights broke out everywhere. I ran out to the courtyard where most of the fighting took place.

"Avada Kedavra." I easily blocked the spell.

"Expeliarmus!" I shouted. The wand flew from the Death Eaters hands. "Stupefy." He went flying back knocking himself into a wall.

"Anna look out!" Seamus yelled. I ducked down as stone exploded next to me. I looked over at an Death Eater and glared as he smirked. I pushed my hand back as the wind forcefully pushed him back. I waved my wand at him and he went to the ground.

I stood up and ran for Hogwarts. The majority of my friends were there. I skid to a stop.

"Lavender!" I yelled as I saw Greyback feasting on her neck. He looked up at me with blood smeared around his mouth. He smirked.

"Burn in hell." I spat as I felt the burn inside me. I shot fire at him and made him burn. Because of the fire I practically ate I was able to do that. "I'm so sorry Lavender." I whispered looking down at her sadly. Forcing myself to look away I ran inside.

The moment I stepped foot inside I felt someone crash into me. I fell hard onto the ground. Black spots clouded my vision for a moment. I shook it off as I pushed the person off of me and forced myself up.

I stumbled forward before blocking a spell that was thrown towards me.

I saw Fred fighting a Death Eater. My stomach dropped as Fred was disarmed. I ran forwards as fast as I can.

"No!" I yelled.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted the same time as the Death Eater. The wand flew out of their hand but I saw the green light hit Fred.

"Avada Kedavra." Someone shouted. I saw the Death Eater who killed Fred drop to the floor.

"Mum." I whispered as a tear fell. She looked at me sympathetically. Her eyes widened.

"Behind you!" I spun around just as I went flying back crashing into my mom.

I groaned from the impact. I rolled off mum. I ignored the throbbing pain that ran throughout my body. I limped over to Fred where I broke down in tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I kept repeating my self as I hugged his body tightly. "This is my fault." I said as I choked on my sobs.

I suddenly heard a high pitch ring.

"You have all fought valiantly." Voldemort's voice whispered. By the looks of the others they can hear him too. "But in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat....in their absence, dispose you dead with dignity, Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest...and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me?"

After that the Death Eaters dissaperated. I was still practically cradling Fred's body as the Weasley's found us.

"No!" I heard Mrs. Weasley screamed. She rushed over and hugged him. I stood up and backed away.

Fred was taken into the Great Hall with the other fallen witch and wizards.

Out of all the Weasley's it hit George the most. We were all a crying mess. I kneeled down next to George. He hugged me tightly as he sobbed. I cried as well. Mrs. Weasley was stroking Fred's hair.

"Oh no." I hear Ginny whisper. "Anna." I looked up at her. She pointed to something a few feet away. I pulled away from George and stood up. I saw what she was pointing at.

I ran over dropping down to my knees.

"Uncle Remus...Tonks. No this isn't happening." I said to myself as I choked on a sob. "No, no NO!" I screamed. "You have a son to take care of! Teddy needs his parents! No please, wake up, I can't, I can't do this. I need you guys. I can't lose anyone else. Please." I whispered as I continued to sob. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stood up and hugged my mum.

"They're gone. They're really gone." I whispered as she lightly shushed me. She stroked my hair. I felt little wet drops, drop on my shoulder. I hugged my mum tighter. A sob escaped her lips as well.


Few more chapters left until it's the end of this book and series!!!!

I don't know about you but I'm excited and sad about this lol.


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