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It's officially been over a year since I've been on the run and since then more muggles and muggleborn shave been slaughtered by Death Eaters it's terrible. Harry and the others are still looking for Horcruxes. I only knew this when I accidentally ran into them.

I was happy to know that they were okay. Well as okay as they'll ever be. But they seem to be getting closer.

I heard about the Carrows taking over Hogwarts with Snape as Headmaster.


Looking at myself in the mirror I was disgusted at what I saw, I was barely recognizable. Dirt covered my face, my hair in knots. The Death Eaters have been getting better at finding me. I should've just put a spell upon the area I was in so no one could track me.

But I've been alone for so long that I'm starting to lose my sense of mine. I can't concentrate lately. Okay deep breaths Anna you're okay.

An image of a woman getting tortured played in my head.

"This is your fault!"

"Get out of my head!" I screamed punching the mirror causing it to shatter. I fell back into the wall sliding down. My knuckles ached as glass stuck out of it and blood oozed from it. I sighed hitting my head against the wall. Someone banged on the door.

"Keep it down in there!" An old man yelled. Sighing again I pushed myself up to stand.

I pulled the glass shards from my hand before muttering a spell to make the small cuts disappear.

I walked to the sink and washed my face the best I can.

After disposing the glass I left the apartment.

I pulled my hood up before exiting the alleyway and walked into the crowd. The town was pretty crowded which I liked meaning I can blend.

Pushing open the glass door open the bell alarmed the workers they have another costumer. I sat down at a table just as a waitress walked over.

"What can I get you love?" The waitress asked as I fold my hands together on the table.

"Coffee, black." I said in a monotonous voice. She scribbled on her notepad.

"Will that be all?" I nodded. I watched her walk away. I peered besides me. A older man sat there staring at me then back to the newspaper.  I looked away. I could feel eyes burning into the side of my head.

"Can I help you!" I snapped, slamming my hand down on the table. The waitress jumped. The man paled. I stood from the booth and walked over grabbing the paper from him.

Turns out it was the Daily Prophet. My eyes widened as I saw my face plastered on the front page.

Annabelle Black Wanted!

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

'Daughter of Sirius Black, Annabelle Black is convicted of killing 5 Ministry of Magic members and severely injuring 3. She is wanted by the Ministry and price of 1 million galleons to the witch or wizard who brings her in.'

"So this is how you wanna play Voldy?" I whispered. I tore the newspaper to shred throwing it at the man before running out of there.

"Miss your coffee!"

I made my way back to the apartment but I stopped at the corner when I saw cloaked figures walking up the stairs to my apartment.

I looked around to see if anyone seen me before walking further down the street.

I guess it's time to move on again. Preparing to apparate I heard screams behind me. Looking to see what was going on, I looked in horror as my apartment building burst into flames.

"No!" I yelled. I pushed my way through the crowd to get to the building.

These people can't be here. With a movement of my hand I made the wind blow hard in the people's faces making them look away.

"Aquamenti!" I said putting out some of the fire but it wasn't that big of an impacted. I pocketed my wand and made my way inside the building. I stood there feeling the heat surrounding me. I took a deep breath. I moved my hands causing the fire to move as well.

I forced the fire my way creating a ball out of it. I struggled to keep it together. I pushed my hands together shrinking it.

A yell escaped me as I did so. But finally the fire was gone. A wave of dizziness swept through me. Black spots blurred my vision before I dropped to the ground.

I heard footsteps rush towards me. I felt like I was lifted up from the burnt ground.

I wanted to fight to stay awake but I was too tired. Maybe I can rest for a moment.

I deserve it....a moment

Who do you think took Anna?

Friend/Family ?
Death Eaters?


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