Im mad

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Kacy had left about a week ago. Today I had just got a round of IO2 with was one of the strongest things they could give me. I feel like, nothing. I haven't eaten since yesterday so that I didn't have anything to regurgitate.

     "How do you feel?" Dr. Waters asks me.

     "How do you think I feel?" I mutter sarcastically. He and Kacy are the only people I've talked to before.

     "Just try not to eat anything for a while and eat healthy too." Dr. Waters says.

     "I know the drill." I say and slide off the bed. "Why won't you tell me what's wrong with Zach? I need to know. I need to."

     "That's up to your parents to tell you." Is all he says.

     "They aren't my parents." I state and storm out of the room and into the waiting room where Mr. And Mrs. Smith wait for me and a few other people dot the room.  "I don't get why you can't tell me what's wrong with him but if I could only see him one time! One time! Because I really need to know what's wrong with him, because I care about what happens to him." I scream to them. I've never talked to them before so they were taken by surprise along with the others in the waiting room.

     "You've talked." Mr. Smith notes in a drop voice.

     "Just tell me please." I beg them.

     "He is in a coma and they don't know if he will ever wake up."  Mrs. Smith said.

     No. He is a fighter. She looks like she is lying, but why would she? What's the point? I ask myself.

     "Your wrong! Your wrong your wrong your wrong!" I scream at them. "I'm going through freaking cancer and chemo treatments right now and you can't even tell me the truth! I've been deaf for nine years and when I finally can tell what you say you don't even bother to tell me the truth!"

     "Your our daughter. Of course we would tell you the truth." She replies.

     "you are not my parents! And I'm am definitely not your daughter!" I feel a gentle arm on my wrist and turn to Dr. Waters.

     "It's okay." He says.

     "Is it?" I ask and pull my grip away from his. I rush down the hallway and turn into a supply closet. Nobody should find me. I didn't think. Until, a girl with narrow eyes and dark auburn hair. She sits down beside of me in the floor and her blue scrubs brush against my hand. She wears a white coat over her scrubs that proves she is a doctor.

     "There is a lot about you for a girl." She says softly.

     "Listening to my rant? Lovely." I mutter.

     "How'd you go deaf? Your definitely not nine." She replies

     "Your a stranger." I comment.

     "My name is Bailey." She smiles.

     "your still a stranger. I was just a hard as a kid and one hard hit to the head and something messed up but I was kind of deaf so they never could tell me but they gave me this thingy." I say and point to the little machine on my ear. "It echoes sounds into my ear."

     "Cool." She says and nods. "Stay here let me go get something." Bailey stands up and leaves the room. Moments later comes back with somebody about her age with dark brown hair too and green eyes.

     "This is my boyfriend, Aaron." She says hesitantly. "He's head of psych."

     "Hi?" Aaron says. "Why are we in a supply closet?"

     "You got me a psych consult?!" I scream at her.

     "You just started being able to hear again and your from an orphanage where you met someone who you don't even know if they're okay because something happened to him. And you have cancer. At least that's what I gathered." Bailey says.

     "You wanna come up to level three? I got a comfy couch up there." Aaron asks.

"I'm sixteen I don't need any patronizing." I retort.

"I didn't catch your name?" Aaron asks.

"Holly. Now leave me alone. I'm not mad." I say quieter on the last part.

"Okay. I'm Aaron and I do really want to help you." He says.

"I am mad aren't I?" I whisper. "But that does not mean I need a psych consult!" I say louder on the last part.

"But-" Aaron says but I interrupt.

"I just realized the only person who's ever cared about me is probably never going to wake up! I'm not alright and I don't want to me treated like I'm mad!" I say loudly. I stand up and Bailey looks at me pleadingly.

"I'll be back." I say and I don't think she knows what I mean. I walk out into the waiting room.

     "They said he was dead." Mrs. Smith said.

     "I don't believe you." I whisper and walk out to the car. A minute later they come out and start the car.


"Dinner is ready!" I hear from downstairs. I'm not going out of this room when I know they are down there. I feel like it's a lie but what if it's not? Zach might be laying in the morgue right now and I didn't even et to say a proper goodbye. I need to figure out if he's okay. I search my mind for a way to make them tell me but nothing logical. I go into my five star bathroom and pull out a razor.





Authors note!

Sorry I haven't update in a while I'm a terrible person I know but Zach's alive but her parents said he was dead? DUN DUN DUN!!!!

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