Emotional wreck.

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I lay there and feel hands prodding me. I recognize Zach and then he's gone. I hope he left to get help. But was it worth it? Do I want to fight this? Yes. For Zach. His weak conscious couldn't live with this. So I will try for him. My breathing starts to turn raspy and my head hurts. I haven't dared open my eyes, afraid it will inflict pain on me.
Sooner than it felt should've been right, I felt people lifting me onto a stretcher. I flinched in pain as a hand poked at my ribs which stung like fire.
With a thud I was laid in a ambulance- I think- and I felt a hand grasp for mine. I recognized Zach's soft hand and wanted more than anything to be able to reassure him I was alright- I mean, alive. I didn't feel alright. I felt like I was dying. My lungs burned and my ribs ached and my head was pounding like a drum. I couldn't do anything so I lay there and let Zach hold my limp hand.
The rest of the way there was a blur. I was taken straight to the E.R and I felt shots go up my arm and a mask cover my face. I knew I couldn't do anything so I relaxed myself, and closed my eyes.


I wake to nobody in my room. I felt a bit disappointed honestly. I took in my surroundings and I still had an ocean mask on. More needles and tubes were flowing out of my small arms. I tried to move but all I felt was searing pain. I let out a small gasp, which turned into a shriek. Doctors rush into my room and start talking. I can barely tell because they're wearing masks but they move faintly. I hope they'll realized that I can't tell what they're saying.
I think it hits them and two of them burst out of the room. Only to reappear in a matter of seconds with a dirty blood boy. Zach. I see him talking to the doctors urgently and then he turns to me.
They want to get a CT scan. He signs and runs his fingers through his hair. No! I can't do that! I can't handle that. The panic obviously reaches my eyes and my actions as the doctors quickly discuss among themselves. I tried to pull myself up again. Big mistake. And cried out in pain and Zach rushed toward me. I slumped against my bed and shook my head and cried. I couldn't do a CT scan.
Holly please calm down. Zach signs. You really need this x-ray. You could've broken some bones or hurt yourself really bad.
I couldn't move my arms much because it caused me searing pain. So I only pulled up my palm and circled it on my chest.
Please. Then I shook my head no. Zach shot a pitied glance at me before turning back to the doctors. They said something and Zach turned back toward me.
    He signed, you have to Holly. Please. I'll help you through the whole thing I promise. I felt tears continue to fall down my face. Wow I was an emotional wreck. I just pulled Zach closer to me by his hand, trying my best to relax. Zach nodded to the doctors and they surrounded me and pushed my bed through the white halls. We entered a room where the dreaded CT scanner waited for us. I dropped a few more tears and allowed some of the doctors to carry me over to the bed. Zach had to retreat to a room with glass windows and could only watch with a pitied stare as they sat me on the table. Zach held my gaze until I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt the bed move through the hole and I held my eyes closed so the tears wouldn't leap out. They paused the bed over my head, chest, stomach, and legs. Once I emerged, they rolled me back into my room before giving me the results. They talked to Zach for what felt like forever. He then turned around and stared at me for a moment.
    You dislocated one shoulder and... He paused. They found a tumor. My eyes widened in surprise and I couldn't say anything but,
    Where? I slowly sign with pain searing through me.
    You have breast cancer. He signs and I feel the tears dripping down my cheeks. They caught it early. That didn't help either. I just cradled my knees up to my chest and cried into my legs. This couldn't be happening to me. Not now. Not when my life was finally taking a turn for the good. My body hurt and I looked back up. Zach was standing there with solemnity on his face.
    They will be doing surgery on your shoulder tomorrow. He commented and left the room. How could he be this serious about it all. I curled myself up and cried.


I eventually fell asleep because I woke later. I felt one of my hands wrapped inside somebody else's. I looked up and saw Zach staring down at me with tears streaked down his face and red, puffy eyes. I felt as if my world was crashing down on me. Breast Cancer caused deaths. What if I died? I thought to myself. Did I want to die yet? No, I wanted to live again.
    Are you okay? Zach asked.
    No. I replied. Then he tucked his arms under my back and lifted my torso off the hospital bed. I allowed him to bring me to his chest and embrace me. I cried softly and hugged my arms to my chest. I could tell Zach was crying again because of the way his body shook. He pulled away slightly and I looked up at him. He gently let me rest back against the hospital bed and doctors then streamed in. They started talking to Zach and I hated their dumb masks that kept me from reading their lips. Zach turned to me a look of knowing on his face.
    Your too weak to take chemo. You have to get healthier or they can't help you Holly. Please. He signed and realization flooded over me. I needed to get better now to save my life.
    Okay. Is all I managed.
    Your about to go into your surgery. He finished and I think the doctors ordered him to leave because he reluctantly walked out the room. Doctors lifted me from my bed and sat me in a wheelchair. I helped little by keeping my feet on the ground and trying to crawl into he wheelchair.
    A young man took position behind me and pushed me through the hallways. 

Hey guys😊 So Holly has breast cancer? What's your opinion? Please vote❤️ Every view I see makes me very happy so continue reading.

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