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"What's the news this time?" I ask and roll my eyes at Dr. Waters.


"I don't know that it's spread to my liver and lungs and I only have a few months to live?" I've been waiting for the day that I hear that but it's never came.

"It's gone." Dr. Waters claps.

"One tumor? That's good I guess." I shrug. I've gotten this news before but another one normally pops up.

       "All of them. They're gone." Dr. Waters smiles.

     "What!" I practically scream. 

     "Your not sick anymore!" Abbey exclaims and comes up to me and hugs me.

     "Oh my god." I laugh still I shock. It's actually over? "This is what Zach would've wanted." I say.

      Dr. Waters face grimaces which confuses me but Abbeys face just melts. We've talked about him before but she knows how much the topic of him hurts. I remember before when I thought they were lying and I think how childish it was to have that glimmer of hope. By now, I'd come to terms with reality no matter how painful. Sometimes I wonder how Ginny's doing, I wonder if she's been okay without the only person she could call family. Maybe one of her older siblings took her in. Their dad didn't care enough about her, I knew that. 

      "I can't believe I'm actually getting better." I cry with a smile cracking my face.

     "You are better." Abbey says. "You can grow some real hair now." Abbey jokes.

"I won't look like a bald freak your right!" I exclaim. "My hairs always been fast growing too." I grin. (And I'll probably make her hair growth exaggerated but I dot think any of you care.)

"I just wish Zach was here." I frown. "He would've been so happy." I feel tears trickle down my pale cheeks.

"Your right. I'm sure he would've been the first person to be up here to hug you too." Abbey says and I can tell she's been getting emotional too. Even if we've only known each other for about a year, we were pretty tight.

"He would've." I nod and smile weakly. "Let's go home and tell Jackson."

Zach's POV

I sit in the library by a table near the informational section while Ginny searches the shelves for a book she had read before about phantom leg syndrome. I woke up a few hours ago and Ginny insisted we go to the library. I hear a soft thud and turn to my right and see Ginny sitting with a thick hook in front of her.

"Is that it?" I ask in awe of how she. A small third grader had managed to read that. She just nods and pushed the book over to me.

"Phantom leg syndrome." I read the title and flipped through the pages until is gathered information and by the details that's exactly what I was experiencing. "I think you've got it Ginny." I say looking at her still posture. She looks at me with a worried expression. "Let's go home and work on it okay?" I say. Ginny just nods again.

"Hey Zach!" I hear from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I question.

"A letter for you." Andrew hands me an envelope. Seattle Pacific. It's titled.

      "Look Ginny." I smile. I'd already gotten a scholarship through academics and should be leaving college in less than a year. In my school we could start kindergarten when we were four though the government wasn't supposed to let us. We were such a small school that it didn't matter so not of us started at four. I'd be one of the youngest but that wouldn't matter. I hope.

     Where do I go when you leave? I know I can't come with you. Ginny signs and I can almost hear the sorrow cause I see it so clearly in her eyes.

    "I'm sure June would be okay if you stayed." I smile. "But I'll visit every chance I get." I pull her up onto my lap so now she's wrapped her arms around my neck with her dark hair flowing over her shoulders. "You'll be okay I promise. And as soon as I get a Bachelor degree I'll be back to get you and then we can have a house and eventually you will be going to college." I poke her stomach as I say that and she giggles.



Authors note!

Cancer free🎉🎉🎉 I'm sorry but I just couldn't bring myself to make her die or anything due to cancer. That's an extremely hard topic for me and I just can't do it so your welcome😊 comment and vote please!


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