Thug life

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I walked to the orphanage after the school crowd had passed. I peeked my head out of the alley. I walked a littles ways out before I saw someone's presence beside of me. I picked up my pace but so did he. Lowering my head, he sidestepped in front of me which cause me to bump into his chest. I stepped back to see his Amber eyes glowing at me. Zach watched me questioningly

    Why weren't you at school after lunch? He wrote.
    I don't know. It's not like anyone noticed.
But I did? I tried to step around him but he just followed me. You didn't eat anything either!
Observing much? I write.

    Yes. I rolled my eyes and walked around him. Picking up my pace till I was sprinting up to the door. I stopped with my hand pressing against the cold door knob I turned back and almost immediately I felt a hand on my arm. Zach didn't have a strong grip but his eyes pleaded for explanation. I stood there for a minute debating on a plan. I just shook my head and opened the door, leaving him alone in the cold.


At dinner I got some weird stares from the other girls. They were all mostly my age. 12 others. Girls only. Nobody had been adopted here for seven years. We only grow out of this place and try to form a life.

    No one stays here though. They move on in the world and sometimes become successful. I took a bowl of lettuce and carrots. I nibbled through the lettuce eating almost half the bowl. I lay the bowl on the nightstand I used to share with Kacy. I stared at the emptiness and sighed. I missed her full personality and over all talking to her. She is the only person that has ever cared for me and I'll probably never see her again.

    I felt my damp pillow and realized I was crying. I don't remember decided to cry but it just happened. I cried myself to sleep that night. My dreams full of my past. Something I had not yet overcome. Tears streaked my face and my covers and pillows were scattered around the room.

    I lay there shaking for two hours before I decided it was just a dream. But everything looked so real. 6 years and I still can't block my eyes from my old horrors. I sat up looking at the small wooden clock. It'd been a half hour since school started. But I didn't care. I had little time before Mrs. Walls would notice me here so I quickly dressed in black leggings and a navy sweat shirt. Leaving my hair down a barely combed. I didn't put on makeup today. Didn't feel the need to. No body looked at me enough to notice so I snuck out the door and walked to school.

     I didn't see the light in my life anymore. The hope that guided me was gone. Now it was dark and that's how it would stay. Forever. So I thought. I pushed open the school door and signed in by the office. They sent me down to my 1/2 period class since English was two blocks. I opened the door and everyone stared in my direction. No I wasn't a pretty sight, I was thin from not eating much and under my eyes were baggy.

Sorry Mr. C-R-A-N-E I apologized before taking my seat which is still in front of Zach. I didn't dare make I contact with him because I know I would see concern in his eyes. I tried not to show it but my eyes glistened with depression or no emotions at all. Most of the class ignored me, pointed at me and snickered, or stared at me with pity. I sighed as the bell rang and tried to stand up. I fell back down against the wall and started to breathe heavily. I gripped the edge of my desk and pulled myself up.

Zach rushed to the teacher and said something. God I hated not knowing what people were saying. He then and over to me and gripped my arm, pulling it over his shoulder. I didn't have strength to fight him, so I let him half carry me out if the school and down the road. At the orphanage door he knocked quickly and Mrs. Walls peeked her head through a small crack. I obviously didn't look well so she took me in and lay me on the bed, Zach had to go back to school unfortunately. Though I don't really know why I care so much.

Later I saw the door creak open and a nurse walked in. My head ached and my throat burns. The nurse came up to me and pulled out her light and opened my mouth and examined my ears, nose, and eyes. She looked at me and left the room. Her and Mrs. Walls stood in the doorway talking with their hand in front of theirs mouth, Mrs. Walls knew I could read lips. I used to use it to my advantage but soon she started to notice and never let me again. I rolled my eyes and waited for them to finish. Mrs. Walls nodded and came back to me. She raised a bottle of pills and then another. I sighed. I was just sick. But with that involved me staying home from school for the next two weeks before winter break. But for me. We didn't celebrate here so there was never any other breaks for me. Only 'winter' not Christmas. No presents or no hope of Santa. No stockings that were filled in the morning or lowly lights that brought joy. I missed that about my old town. Even if my house wasn't a playground. The walks to take laundry to the neighbor's in the winter were always lit. I nodded to Mrs. Walls and slept.

2 hours later.

School would've been out by now. I still lay in my bed but I didn't sleep. All of the other girls were on free time and were either talking, doing each other's nails, or playing cards/board games. I sat against the wall by my bed and watched every other girl have fun. At these times in the day Kacy and I would normally be playing cards with a deck I kept hidden under my pillow. Interrupting my thoughts, every girl in the room whipped their heads around. I didn't know what it was about until I tilted my head to the door and saw a dirty blond, Amber eyed, boy walk into the room hesitantly.

A few girls stared in awe while the rest giggled obnoxiously. Some even looked to see who's he'd come to visit. I kept my eyes trained on my feet trying not to be noticed, until I saw a note book beside of me.

Coming or not? I hesitated still staring emotionlessly at the scribbled until he offered be a hand. For a moment all I could focus on was his hand. But then like a robot I took it and he helped pull me off the bed. I watched a few girls gasp as I exited the room and gathered and shoes and my jacket before I walked out of the door with Zach. He looked at me with concern. That's all I'd been welcomed with by him lately.

He took me down the street a few blocks in the opposite direction of our school. I don't know how long we'd been walking in silence, but we came upon a wall of vines. There was a wood gate I assumed attached to the fence that was overrun by vines. Zach confidently went up toward the gate and Unlatched it. He opened it and waved his arm in for me. I stared uneasily, after my past of abuse I never went in rooms I didn't know what was waiting for me. I rested my hand on the small of my back where the bump of a scar stretched.

Zach noticed my hesitation and walked toward me. He rested his hand right over my scar and put only slight pressure on it to help my paralyzed body move forward. He seemed almost confused at why I was so cautious. Once I started slowly walking myself he let go but right before I entered the gate, I reached out for his hand. Actually I was going to grab something so I didn't have to go in, but his hand happened to be there. Embarrassment flooded my cheeks but only for a moment because my fear took over.

I felt my breath get louder and my eyes squeezed shut as I entered the strange gate. I peeked my eyes open and a gasp got stuck in my throat

It was...


I hope you guys liked it😊 Please comment suggestions on how to make this better❤️ I love opinions and REALLY need them. Thank you anyone who is reading this because it makes me so happy whenever someone votes or even sees my fan fictions☀️ Thank you so much again!! And if I said she heard something it's just a mistake 😆

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