Last day

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It was a pretty nice day, I must admit. Kacy and Zach got along pretty well. After that, Zach escorted- so he calls it- to the orphanage and as we walked in, a few waved a hello to Kacy but she didn't seem to talk to them. Paris glared at her for a moment but turned back to talked to one of the other girls. I rolled my eyes and continued to the bedroom with Kacy. We talked until dinner, mostly about Zach or how I'd been doing. And to be honest I am not doing well. I can't communicate with anyone but Zach or Kacy, I have Cancer, and I'm struggling with eating disorders.
The government was paying for my treatment and anything that happens to me. Since I have no parents and if it was up to Mrs. Walls to pay for me, I wouldn't be able to afford life.
I wasn't looking forward to chemo either. I was really scared too. And on the bad side, my hair. One of the few things I like about my appearance? Gone.
I twirled it around my fingers that night when I lay in bed. I wish I lived a normal life. Where my parents loved my and I could actually enjoy pieces of my life. Sometimes I would watch some kids at school and imagine how their lives run. Happily? Maybe? Do any orphaned kids find happiness?


95 the scale read. It was the end of the week and the last day Kacy was staying. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Kacy. She was wearing a lacy top with a rosy tank top under it and khaki shorts that were just above her fingertips. Her hair was pulled up on the back of her head in a tight ponytail. With rosy flip flops and light makeup. I had already slapped on a bit of makeup. I haven't worn it a lot lately, I guess I just don't really care what people think, but Kacy asked me to do I did. She said she was taking me to have some fun.
I dressed in a loose tank top which I pulled up loosely with a hair bow and had random words all over it. A lot of the orphanage clothes were donated. I never paid any attention to what the shirt said, but when I looked closely, I could see little words that read. You are beautiful. You are unique. You are special. And the list could go on. Personally I didn't agree with some of it but I ignored it. I also wore jean shorts that frayed by my finger tips.
You look great. Kacy signed to me and I smiled.
You too. I replied as she took me out the door. I slid on some black sandals and followed her out the door. We walked down the street in an unknown direction.
One thing about an orphanage is that, you don't shop. You don't have anything you need to shop for. Not food. Supplies. Clothes. Games. Anything. Only needs were given to you and nothing else. I was smaller and thinner than a lot of girls at the orphanage so when someone donated a lot of small clothes, it was my day. But I got my share of the bigger clothes too. When we turned a corner I saw, a store I had never seen before, bigger than most, across the street. Kacy led the way across he cross walk and walked into the shop.
Here? I ask her unsure. Again, I've never been shopping before.
Yep. We are going to have fun, like I said. She replied and pointed to her purse.
You can't buy me clothes! I won't let you! I sign to her.
Watch me. She signs and smirks. I tried not to show my excitement but I was really happy. I never had a choice in the clothes I picked out. Mostly just luck in what a donator has. She led me through the aisles to a section for teen girls. She pulled me over to a section where dresses hung. Not to fancy, basic but cute.
    Why over here? I ask.
    Just in case Zach asks you out on a date. She smirks and signs. I roll my eyes and walk around for a minute. I actually kind of liked dressing up a bit. Just a few times. I didn't find many I liked but as I walked through the aisles, Kacy came toward me with hangers hanging off her arms.
    She struggled a, Come on. And then led me to the dressing room.
    I pulled the first one into my stall and slipped it on. I stepped out and admired myself in the mirror. It was a light purple and a black belt around it which tied into a bow. I shook my head because I thought it was to childish. I took the second one and it fit slim on my frame. It was black and had sleeves down to my elbows. No. The third was a blue jean dress that had a flipped collar and buttoned up to my neck with a braided belt. Nah.
    More and more dresses. I was tired but I liked shopping a little. I pulled on a floral dress with spaghetti straps and sleeves falling off my shoulders and ended below my elbows. It was baggy through the sleeves and the dress and flowed down to my fingers.
    I like this one. I signed to Kacy. I smiled and she grinned cheekily.
    Okay. Change out of it now. Kacy demanded and I changed into my original clothes.
    After that we make our way into the shoe section and she leads me to some heels. I shake my head cautiously. I don't like heels. She laughed and led me to the aisle over where it was mostly flip flops. I walked around and spotted some hat would match my dress. They were an orange that matched my orange, red, and hot pink flowers on my dress. I held the box up to Kacy and she gladly took them from me.
    Okay? Wanna go to dinner now? She signs.
    Yeah. I sign. My feet were tired and sore. I was grateful of a chance to sit down.


What do you want to eat? Kacy asks me.
    I'll have the homemade chili with a Caesar salad. I say and she translates to the waiter. I'm sure it looks kind of weird for two 13 year olds are eating lunch by themselves. She orders and we sit and talk for a while.
    When the food comes we start right away. I dip my chips in the chili and hurriedly finish it off. I turned my head to the door and saw a familiar face walk in.


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