Excited kids

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     "Okay thanks." The women says nonchalantly and takes Jackson away from me. Her son almost died and she didn't seem to care!

     "Why was your son by himself in the middle of the street?" One of the policemen ask.

      "I was inside the coffee shop." She shrugs. Her shoulders were covered in tattoos and her shirt came down too low.

     "I'm sorry ma'am but the nearest coffee shop is three blocks away." He says.

      "I have to use the restroom give me a sec." She says and sets Jackson down distractedly and grabs her purse, leaving the room. Twenty minutes later one of the female cops goes down to check the two bathrooms in the station. When she came back alone realization flickered over my face.

      "She left him." I whisper. "My adopted parents can take him in." I blurt.

      "You can't just-"

      "I'll call them." I pull out the extra phone they bought me and dial their unfamiliar number.

      "Holly why are you calling?" Mrs. Smith answers. "Are you okay?! I hear everything!" She gushes.

     "Come down to the police station." I say and hang up.

      "Holly?" Jackson asks me and I pick him up onto my lap.


      "Where's mummy?" He asks me.

      "It's gonna be okay." I say hesitantly. He looks at me with confused eyes but I try and discard the sadness in my own. She just left him.

When my adopted parents finally got there they asked me to leave with Jackson. He seemed small for a four or five year old but he seemed smart. When they come out they said they would be working on it but for now because of their record with foster children they would let him stay with us. We get into the taxi that brought Mrs. Smith here and on the ride home Jackson mostly slept but I stayed awake. Whenever I saw a shadow in an alley I flinched back into my seat. My door opens for me when I get to the mansion. I shake Jackson awake and he crawls out after me. I take his hand in mine and lead him into the building.

"Some of your stuff will be brought here." I squat down in front of Jackson. It's the law here that you can drop of children at police departments and fire stations without charges pressed so technically this is legal.

"Will mommy bring it?!" He asks excitedly.

"No. Some policemen will." I smile weakly.

"I like policemen." Jackson shrugs and continues to walk with me inside the building.


It's dark right now but sleep does not consume me. Instead I watch the lights of cars outside my window from my bed. Id settled Jackson in his room with the help from Mrs. Smith. It has probably been two hours since then though.

I hear a creaking sound and light firm the hallway streams into my room. I jump in surprise not sure who I expected it to be.

"Holly?" I hear Jackson ask in a small voice.

"Yeah Jackson?" I ask sitting up slightly.

"I had a nightmare." He whispers and comes up to my bed. "My mommy never let me come in her bed when I had nightmares. Said I was being foolish."

"Here come here." I say and sit him on the bed. "What was your nightmare about?" I remember when I was a child and I had a nightmare before I moved to the orphanage, I would scream out and normally earned a beating for waking my mother.

"The mean guy had a gun to my head saying I was weak again." Jackson whispered. I worried how much this experience will traumatize him

"It's okay he can't get you here." I hug Jackson to my chest and he curls up to me. "Good night."

"Good night Holly." Jackson whispers sleepily.

I stare down at the small child that has been abandoned and saw things I never wanted to see myself. It wasn't fair. But life isn't fair for anybody and there are no exceptions for the young. I lay my head back on my pillow and close my eyes in an attempt at sleep.


"Holly." Jackson whispers and shakes me gently.

      "What is it." I sit up quickly and fearful. Has the shooter came back?

       "Breakfast is ready." He replies and sits back on his knees. Of course the shooter was found and locked up.

       "Oh thank you." I smile and get out of bed. I wave on the compression shorts I wore last night and put on Zach's sweatshirt over my tank top. Jackson runs down the steps and I follow more slowly. I wipe the sleep from my eyes lazily.

       "It's pancakes!" Jackson exclaims and holds one up in front of me. He sits on his knees in his Star Wars pjs on one of the barstools. I chuckle and sit beside of him while Mrs. Smith gives me my own. Martha/ Mrs. Smith, chuckles at Jacksons reaction and hands me syrup.

"Thanks." I mumble. "I think I'm taking Jackson to the animal shelter today. My shift is cut short." I inform her.


"What is this place?" Jackson asks.

"It's the place I work." I smile as I lead him by the hand into the shop.

"Puppy!" Jackson exclaims looking through the glass that shielded him from the yorkie that was actually almost sixteen. I chuckle aloud and peek into the staff lounge.

      "I think I hear an excited kid." Abbey smiles. "Makes for good business."

       "This excited kid won't be buying anything." I smile slightly but see a look of confusion on Abbeys face. "This kids mine."

       "Huh?" Abbey seems overly confused now.

      "Long story. I'll explain but lemme grab him before he finds the hermit crabs."


Authors note!

Jackson is based off of one of my adorable little friends that is in kindergarten right now and he's extremely sweet and adorable. He's blond wit blue eyes and long eyelashes and I absolutely love him❤️ his name is Jackson too if you didn't notice btw.


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