Fear sheilds my eyes

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It's been 10 chapters since Hollys seen Zach. Woah that's a lot I didn't think I'd written that much. Okay sorry bout that lets get on with the story!

Zach's POV

"Look, this is the fifth job interview I've been to. And I really need this money." I say and roll down my pants leg, recovering my fake leg.

"I'm sorry but we have other perfectly capable teenagers willing to help with this." The man shrugs.

"I have a mute seven year old I have to raise myself. She's my sister. I'm living at my friend's house and I have been for over a week. I need my own place! I'm going to college soon and I just need the money please!" I practically beg him.

"Fine you start Tomorrow." The man grunts.

"Thank you so much." I thank him before turning and leaving the office room. When I get to the door of the
Restaurant, I take Ginny's hand who waited for me there. I turn back to the man who came out of the door behind me and he's looking at Ginny.

"Good luck." He says nodding politely.

"Thank you." I reply and leave with a smile. "I got it Ginny!" I exclaim once we get outside. A fast food restaurant isn't my idea first job but it will do for now.

Ginny smiles up at me and follows me back to my cab. When we get back to Andrews house I take Ginny in and settle her in the living room watching sponge bob like the innocent child she should be. But she's been through too much, I just don't know anymore. I walk into Andrews room and he was on the phone.

     "Finally, here he is." Andrew sighs and hands me the phone. I fumble with it and look at him questioningly before I talk into the phone.

     "Hello?" I ask.

      "Hi." I hear an enthusiastic voice that I vaguely recognize.

     "Uh... Who is this?" I ask.

     "Kacy. You know, Hollys friend?" Oh! That's who it is.

      "Oh hi? I guess." I stutter.

      "I just wanted to make sure you weren't dead, you know? They hadn't updated Holly about your condition last time I checked. And that was at least a week after your accident." Kacy rants.

     "You've seen her?!" I ask.

     "Yeah. It's been a while though... Haven't talked to her since. I've been getting ready for college. I'm going early." Kacy days before I ask.

     "Is she okay?"

     "Well she's still full of cancer and super worried about you but I'm sure they've told her your alright. She's living in this huge mansion like house with an amazing bedroom and everything." Kacy says.

     "Good. Does she seem happy?" I ask.

     "no. No she doesn't. You should visit her." Kacy said.

     "I can't. I left and I have a job and have to take care of Ginny. I couldn't get a job because of my leg." I reply regretting not being able for that.

      "What's wrong with your leg?"

      "Oh yeah um- I got it amputated." I say hesitantly.

      "In the wreck?!" Kacy exclaims.

      "Yeah. I'm good though." I say.

     "Good. Gotta go. Bye." She says and hangs up before I can respond.

     "Okay..." I shrug.

      "Wasn't that Hollys friend?" Andrew asks me.

     "Yeah." I reply.

     "What did she say? She seemed urgent." Andrew asked me.

     "Not much." I lied but inside I was wondering what Holly actually knew about my condition.

Hollys POV

"Don't you think it's weird how they act?" Abbey was talking about some people at school but I was taking online classes.

     "Yeah, yeah I do." I chuckle.

     Three deaths...

     I catch from the radio. But abbey didn't seem to catch it.

     "Wait shush!" I say and that shuts her up.

     Killer identified as Joshua Williams not yet found. Warning in Northern California.

     "Aren't we in Northern California?" Abbey says shakily. Isn't she thick headed.

"Yes." I nod. "But Northern California is huge. He won't be here."

"I hope your not wrong." Abbey says.

"I'm not." I could be. But I can't tell her that. Jake and Lydia come in for their shift. "Well my shifts ending in five so I'm going to go get my stuff." I say grabbing my stuff and leaving with Abbey hot on my heels.

"See you tomorrow?" Abbey asks before we turn our separate ways.

"Yeah." I smile and walk down the block to the Smiths house. As I walk through the kitchen to my room I hear someone talk.

"Back early?" Mrs. Smith asks me. I normally ate lunch with Abbey after my shift. I just look at her and continue up to my room. They've told me that they've never had a child so ungrateful and antisocial. But- like I do- I ignore them like I do most of the rest of the world. I jog up the stairs toward my bedroom and work on my college application. I had three colleges I had in mind and I was working on all of them. I dialed a number into my phone and she picked up on two rings.

"Hey Abbey." I say holding my phone with my shoulder to my ear as I write on the sheets of paper.

"Hey- Um have you heard anything about the shooter? I heard you should walk in zig zags so your not an easy aim." She replies

     "We're fine Abbey." I reply softly. "So how's your geometry homework? I can't get problem seven."

     "Oh I've finished. Let me see... You have to divide a to c and then multiply b to six." She explains and I nod over the phone.

     "Okay thanks."


Authors note!

It's gonna get better I promise😉

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