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TenTen woke up to an unfamiliar smell in her house. The unfamiliar smell being quite appealing to her nose and making her mouth water. Her first thought was to wonder who in the hell had broken into her house and was cooking her breakfast when she suddenly remembered the blonde she had left passed out on her floor. A smile crossed her face as she stretched the kinks out of her arms and back. The boy wasn't even in a relationship with her twenty-four hours and she already had him trained to cook for her.

She swung her feet to the floor and barely suppressed a shriek when her toes touched the cold wooden floor. Leaping back onto the bed she shuffled back under the covers with a huff. It was too freaking cold and she hated cold floorboards. They were the bane of her morning existence. Poking her head back over the side, she glanced around for a pair of shoes, some socks, anything to provide her bare feet with a necessary buffer. An old pair of pink socks saved the day and she was off to the bathroom for her morning shower.

As the water cascaded down upon her and she washed out her unbunned hair, TenTen thought back to the night before. Even a simple evening with Naruto had been a blast, an experience that she was more than willing to repeat. Sure, she didn't get her make out session at the end to seal the deal, but she already knew what that would have been like. Just without a beat down before hand. She moaned as the warm water melted any tension away from her muscles and turned the spigot off. Time to see what her blonde haired angel had prepared for her.

Unbeknownst to TenTen, that same blonde haired angel was currently chatting it up with a familiar brown haired angel. Sanosuke had woken the boy up before dawn and was currently engaged in a most amusing conversation with said blonde.

"I'm telling you Sanosuke, I think she might be the one."

"Really? Whatever gave you that idea Naruto?"

"She's just so...perfect. I'm completely at ease with her. I'm...happy."

Sanosuke smiled at his young charge. He wouldn't confirm the boy's suspicions, but he'd prod him along to come up with conclusions on his own. It was definitely more fun that way.

"I admit, she is a very interesting girl. Very pretty too. I'm sure that has nothing to do with your decision."

Naruto blushed and continued cooking at the stove. He didn't look back at Sanosuke.

"That's a bonus, I'll admit. But TenTen's better than that. She's a complete package. Everything I've ever wanted in a woman and she throws a hell of a right hook. I think I'm in love..."

"Oh do you now? Are you sure? This isn't another Sakura type of crush?"

Naruto stared at the angel in disgust. How dare he insinuate that!

"Hell no. I actually feel something for TenTen. She's never hit me for something I didn't deserve. She never abuses me verbally for no reason at all. She's actually able to keep my ass in line pretty well. Yeah, I think I'm in love."

Sanosuke smiled at his young charge and felt TenTen getting out of the shower. Thinking it best to disappear before the girl caught him in her house again, he stood and slid the chair he had been sitting in back under the table.

"Well, congratulations if it's real Naruto. I hope the two of you are happy. I have to go now. Good luck."

Before Naruto could reply, the angel disappeared and not more than a few seconds later TenTen emerged from her bedroom. Naruto just stared. He'd never imagined she could look so good in the morning.

TenTen had decided to dress for the day after getting out of her shower. She had no team practice that day and no missions and after that episode with Tsunade yesterday, it was likely that Naruto didn't either. That meant, barring any unforeseen events, she had her brand spanking new boyfriend all to herself for a whole day. Oh happy days! For just one day, she wanted to be seen with him and act like a couple. And damn it, today that was happening come hell or high water.

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