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A month since they left Suna and Naruto and TenTen had come far. They'd completed their tandem jutsu to launch Naruto so he could fly to near perfection, the only problem being that TenTen's reserves were still only slightly above average for a kunoichi and if he needed to fly during a battle, then she would be less likely to be able to launch him.

That's where his elemental training in wind came in. If TenTen boosted him just twenty feet off the ground then he could power enough wind chakra under his wings to get himself going. Sanosuke had told him that the more he practiced with his wings, then the less wind he'd need to get himself lifted off.

It would be like teaching a baby bird to fly. The instinct was there, all he needed was that push out of the nest.

Even so, they had come far in their tutelage under Jiraiya. The old ninja had not taken it easy on either of them, insisting that they go all out against him because if they didn't, he would hurt them. Naruto and TenTen had found out the hard way he wasn't playing around when he burned off some of Naruto's feathers and buried TenTen neck deep in a swamp when he thought they weren't trying hard enough.

Jiraiya had become more serious in their training. They still hadn't heard from Itachi and that was cause for worry. Perhaps, if he played his cards right, he could weedle the information out of whichever members came after them next. If it was the Immortals, like Sanosuke had said, then it shouldn't be too hard. His sources said neither one was known for common sense.

Currently, the three sat around their campfire, Jiraiya jotting down ideas for his next story and TenTen polishing and sharpening her myriad of weapons one by one. The only one who appeared to be doing nothing was Naruto, but that wasn't true. He was meditating, trying to reach the spirit that resided in his hammer or his chain, he wasn't sure which one contained the spirit.

It had been thought that it was the chain, since it appeared to be sentient, like Keppaku, but then again, his hammer was able to evolve or shift into other forms. Surely it had a spirit. Sadly, he had found nothing yet, not even a whisper.

He'd contacted Keppaku to see what he was doing wrong and the diminutive spirit within the sword had shrugged and grinned at him.

"I duuno. Maybe it just works with you but doesn't like you? Can I taste you again sweetcorn?"

Naruto sighed and opened his eyes slowly. Another failed attempt to at least talk to the spirit. He cut his eyes to TenTen and watched her hands as she rubbed them along the sickle she now held, Keppaku resting on the ground beside her. He wished he could talk to his spirit like she could hers.

He cast his gaze to Jiraiya and envied the old man his aloofness and freespiritedness. Jiraiya, despite what the world thought it knew, was only happy when he was around his apprentice, Tsunade, or when he was writing one of his books. They were the only things that kept him sane nowadays. Naruto let out a huff of breath and leaned his chin on his hands. He needed to come up with a hobby to keep him entertained.

He had kept a plant while at home but out here that was worthless. Perhaps...he should write a book as well. Nah, that was Jiraiya's domain. Maybe the old man could teach him how to draw or write calligraphy or teach him about...something.

Suddenly a thought came to Naruto and he snapped his head toward Jiraiya.

"Hey Ero-Sennin?"

Jiraiya growled and didn't even bother to look up, opting instead to keep writing.

"What brat? I'm busy."

"I have to visit a temple."

Both TenTen and Jiraiya looked at him quizzically and blinked.

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