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Jiraiya stared around the office at the gathered ninjas and crossed his arms. TenTen sat in Naruto's lap, subtly shifting her weight to make him uncomfortable while he tried to keep his face straight. Gaara just looked on impassively while his siblings stared off into space.

Jiraiya was just about to speak when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to face Sanosuke. The angel had come from nowhere, startling the Suna siblings. Sanosuke grinned at Temari and bowed to the brothers before turning back to the front.

"We shouldn't discuss anything here in Suna. I'm sorry, but your village has already proven to be a hotbed for Akatsuki spies. It isn't safe to discuss strategy here."

Gaara's eyes narrowed and he straightened his back slightly.

"Are you saying we are not trustworthy?"

"No, I'm saying your village is unsafe for conversation regarding the Akatsuki. Naruto, TenTen, ready yourselves to leave in the morning. And for the love of Kami, get some clothes of your own."

The two teens stood and walked outside. Within moments Naruto was back, rubbing his head sheephishly.

"Ummm...my wallet kinda got destroyed. Could one of you lend me some cash?"

Gaara grunted and reached into a desk drawer, pulling out a voucher with the Kazekage seal. He tossed it to Naruto and sat back in his chair.

"Just show the shopkeepers that and they'll put it on my account. Don't go overboard."

Naruto grinned and tossed the voucher lightly.

"What's overboard?"

Gaara narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"You'll know when you've gone overboard. I'll hunt you down and kill you."

Naruto snorted and waved as he left.

"Thanks Gaara. I'll bring the voucher back."

The assembled ninja watched the blonde haired boy walk out the door and Gaara huffed slightly.

"I used to be able to instill fear just by glaring at people. That idiot just laughs at me. I miss being feared."

He turned his gaze back to Sanosuke and glared at the angel.

"Now then, I believe you and I need to discuss the security of my village."

Sanosuke smiled and pulled Jiraiya into a chair beside him.

"Gladly. Jiraiya will be happy to tell you where the faults in your system are."

Jiraiya grit his teeth and glared at the angel, willing him to burst into flame.

'Asshole's trying to get me killed.'


Naruto was somewhat uneasy as they walked down the street to find a clothing store. TenTen was simply ecstatic. She had free reign to dress her boyfriend up and she was going to take this golden opportunity to update her own wardrobe as well. Her eyes flitted back and forth, searching for anything that looked like clothing. When she saw what looked like a kimono in a window, she nearly pulled Naruto's arm out of socket.

"We're going in here. Come on."

Naruto nearly flew off his feet and had to apologize to the shopkeep for upsetting a display of kimonos. TenTen was too busy rifling through the racks to pay any attention to what she'd done. He finally caught up to her just in time to have a pair of pants shoved into his arms.

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