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Meeting back up with the Suna siblings had proven less troublesome than originally thought. Temari and TenTen had been able to be amicable with each other, and Naruto and Gaara acted like they'd never been apart. It was only when they had requested Temari help Naruto in his wind manipulation that things had become...complicated.

Temari had asked why they wanted help when Konoha had a wind master in Asuma and the group went silent. Naruto finally asked the siblings to show his group to a safer area, away from prying eyes so he could show them why he needed the training. Once they were all safely inside the walls of the siblings' family compound and the area was secured, Naruto turned to all the siblings and took a deep breath.

"I don't guess you've heard about what happened to me in recent months, so I'll just say...don't be too surprised ok?"

The three stared at him with disinterested looks. There wasn't much that could actually surprise a ninja. That theory was turned on its ear when Naruto let his wings out of their tattoo and blocked out the light behind him. The Suna siblings were astounded, dumbfounded, and confusticated. They sat motionless and speechless until Kankurou broke the silence.

"Holy shit...he's an angel..."

Gaara sat unmoving, Kankurou beside him, but Temari stood and moved to her fellow blonde's back, stroking the wings like they were fragile. Naruto rolled his eyes, causing TenTen to giggle. He hated the attention his wings brought him...unless it was from TenTen. But he could understand curiosity, so he just stood as Temari rubbed all over his wings.

"They're so soft. Kankurou, Gaara, come here. You've gotta feel these things."

Kankurou gave his sister a deadpan look and folded his arms.

"I'm not feeling anything on a guy. Sorry, but that's against what I stand for."

Temari glared at her brother while keeping up her rubbing. TenTen saw that Naruto was beginning to become a little uncomfortable in his pants. The blonde girl was hitting one of his sensitive spots on the wings that she loved to tease him with and if she kept it up...well...Naruto was gonna have to change his pants. TenTen tapped Temari on the shoulder and whispered in the girl's ear.

"Could you please stop rubbing his wing? You're making him uncomfortable."

Temari scowled at the brown haired girl and kept up her ministrations.

"What do you mean uncomfortable? He's not hurt."

"No. I mean, you're making him uncomfortable...in his pants."

TenTen pointed down over Temari's and Naruto's shoulder and Temari looked down just as Naruto began to whimper from the touch. He was trying to keep his cool but his body was betraying him. Temari finally noticed the teepee in his pants and that his eyes were screwed shut. Everyone was looking on in interest and Jiraiya had his notepad out, scribbling furiously. Temari blushed beetred but in her embarrassment she forgot one crucial thing...

She was still massaging that special spot on top of his wings.

TenTen finally sighed out loud and wrenched the girl's hands away, making Naruto shudder in relief. One more second and he would've had to go back to the hotel for a change of clothing. He was still straining against his pants and had turned so none of the guys could see him until he settled down. Gaara and Kankurou had looked away once they saw what their sister had been doing and Jiraiya was still scribbling away with abandon.

Temari, still embarrassed over what she'd done, decided a change of subject and scenery was in order.

"W...why don't we go to our training spot in the desert? I'll show you there. Just...just let me retrieve my fan."

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