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There was no posturing, no talking, and no attempts at humor. The ninja of Konohagakure all leapt off the wall and rushed at the Akatsuki. The plan was to throw the best of the best at the Akatsuki and, if they failed and the enemy lived, then the rest of the Konoha nin would pounce upon the remains and kill them.

Naruto and TenTen headed straight for Madara, Itachi headed for Sasuke, and the rest headed for Pein. Itachi barreled headlong into Sasuke, hooking his arm around the boy's waist and launching the two of them back into the forest. Sasuke's curses could be heard throughout the field. No one saw the real Itachi calmly walk into the forest. He had sent a Kage Bunshin to fetch his brother. He was eager, but he wasn't stupid.

Jiraiya and Tsunade led the charge to Pein, who simply looked at the ninja heading in his direction and scoffed. He summoned his creatures and simply watched to see what they would do. His eyes widened slightly as Kiba and Akamaru transformed into a giant, two-headed dog and leapt for his panda. Within seconds, Choji was super-sized and swinging away at a couple of the summons with his Bo staff.

The rest of the Konoha ninja Naruto's age fell in to help with the summoned creatures while the jounin made their way forward to engage Pein. The six cloak-clad men simply watched with seeming disinterest as the Konoha ninja encircled them. The main body stared at Jiraiya, his eyes showing no emotion.

"Sensei, is all this really necessary? It seems a little...extravagant for our one and only battle, doesn't it?"

Jiraiya had only one question for his former pupil before he took him out of this world.

"Tell me, Nagato, why?"

Pein blinked and all six bodies tensed, ready to fight.

"The Nagato you knew is dead. There is only Pein now. We are Pein, we are God. We will burn this world to ashes, and then rebuild it in our image. We will show this world pain. We will show this world death."

Jiraiya scowled and stepped back slightly, ready to call up his Sage Mode. He had no snappy comeback, no call to reason.

"It's time to rectify a past mistake of mine. Keep him occupied for a moment."

Tsunade cut her eyes to Jiraiya for a moment before rushing forward and punching at the nearest body. Kakashi, Gai, Asuma, and Kurenai engaged their bodies, each having their own backup in the forms of Anko, Genma, and others like them. Even with all the talent and skill present though, it would be a tough fight.

Naruto and TenTen headed straight for Madara, who was waving at them like a maniac. TenTen grit her teeth and let Keppaku trail behind her as she reached her empty hand out to Naruto. The blonde grasped her hand and threw her forward as hard as he could. TenTen swung her feathery sword at Madara's head as she flew past, nicking the mask but missing anything vital.

Naruto skidded to a stop and unsealed his hammer, letting the chain attach itself to the hilt and wave back and forth.

"Tobi thinks..."

TenTen bared her teeth and tightened her grip on Keppaku.

"Don't even start, Madara. Drop the act. I can't stand that voice or those mannerisms."

The orange-mask wearing nin chuckled and reached up for the offending item.

"You are absolutely no fun, my dear. Can't even allow an old man such as myself a little bit of eccentricity?"

"It's one thing to be eccentric, Madara. It's another to be an asshole."

Madara shucked his mask and threw it to the side, letting it shatter against a tree as he turned to Naruto. His face was obscured by a black wraparound mask, showing only his black eyes and the hair sticking out the top.

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