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Naruto woke up the next morning with a weight on his chest and cracked his eyes open to find TenTen laying on top of him. He smiled at her peaceful form and kissed her on the tip of the nose, making her crinkle it cutely. She snuggled back into his arms again and he chuckled. They had both passed out after an intense make out session and Naruto had never even got to give her that massage.

'Oh well, no time like the present.'

He wriggled out from under the kunoichi and made a shadow clone to got make breakfast for the two of them. With the greatest care, because he didn't want her to produce a kunai from any hidden spot and stab him, he slowly pushed her shirt up to her shoulders. He cocked an eyebrow at the sight of her bare back. He had thought that there was no resistance when he was rubbing her back last night. He hadn't known that she was naturally that perky. He suddenly remembered the chain around his waist and went to send it away when he realized it wasn't there. He scanned the room and found it curled up in a chair like a cobra.

It seemed to raise up slightly and jerk its end in his direction before slowly lowering back to rest on its length. The clone had been watching too and offered its opinion.

"That thing is creepy when it does things like that."

The original Naruto nodded and began to rub up and down TenTen's sides, making the girl groan in her sleep. He increased the pressure until she was moaning and then moved to her shoulders, where he rubbed vigorously before dancing down her spine lightly with his fingertips all the way to her pants line. He was about to move back up when TenTen's sleepy voice came through the pillow she was laying on.

"Just take 'em off. I don't mind."

"Ten-chan, are you awake?"


"I'll take that as a 'no'."

Deciding against removing her pants, he continued back up her spine, earning another groan. He made up his mind to do this to her as often as possible. She would surely appreciate it since she used her muscles so often.

TenTen was in heaven at the moment. She had never felt so relaxed in the morning. Whatever warm thing she had been cuddling had removed itself, but now her back felt so good...and her back never felt this good in the morning. She sleepily opened her eyes and groaned again in pleasure as light taps attacked her spine.

"Oh God, I'll marry whoever is doing this, even if it is a dream."

"Well, I hope you'll keep that open a mind in the future Ten-chan. I happen to like doing this."

Her eyes snapped open at the warm and gentle voice coming from behind her and her head swiveled to see a widely grinning Naruto.

"Should I keep going or are you warmed up already?"

"Is breakfast ready yet?"

The clone hollered no.

"Well I guess you better keep going then. Mmmm...don't ever stop."

Naruto chuckled and began his ministrations when a pop was heard and there stood Kakashi with his familiar book in front of his face. The older man raised an eyebrow and looked around when he heard moans coming from the floor and saw Naruto sitting on TenTen's legs rubbing up and down her back. He coughed into his hand and the two looked up at him with harsh eyes. TenTen was very grumpy when she asked what he was there for.

"The Hokage wants both of you in her office at ten o'clock. And be sure to wear clothes."

He was chuckling at his own joke when he realized that they hadn't responded and he heard TenTen moan again. His eye twitched in annoyance. They were ignoring him! He was about to comment on their rudeness when Naruto spoke up, amidst TenTen's pleased groans.

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