chapter 3 the new place

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So this is leaf valley said rey as he and coder steps out of the decadewheel to see the valley. yeah it is said coder. Its quite big for a valley said rey. I so what now said rey. Well we could see your grandfather he lives near leaf valley said coder. Wait grandpa lives here i guess i forgot i haven't seen him in a while and how did you know about grandpa shin said rey. Doctor eijiro told me about him said coder. I see well lets go then said rey. They then arrive at shin house. Grandpa shin said rey as he go to his door. Right im coming said shin. Rey is that you you've grown a lot since i last saw you said shin. I guess anyway there is something i need to tell you said rey. As rey explains shin about what happened he was really sad for him i cant believe that happened said shin sadly. Yeah and shocker is in leaf valley planning to rule the world said rey. Well you could always stay here and i help you all i can said shin. Thank you grandpa shin said rey.
Meanwhile at shocker base
Great leader We have news that your son is in leaf Valley said one of the kaijin. I see send molecrab after him bring him here, was quite dissapointed when he killed one of us said great leader shocker. I wonder why the great leader still want him since he killed horazor thought molecrab.
Wow its really a nice Valley here, hello said rey. To the delivery girl hello said the girl replied. And then molecrab appears there you are i finally found you said molecrab. Shocker ive been waiting said rey. As he wear the decadriver. Run now said rey to the girl. Henshin said rey. Attack rise slash. decade Attack molecrab. What is going on here said the girl. Then molecrab says what are you doing im here to bring you back to the great leader. Im not going back and im going to destroy shocker said rey. I should have known that your a traitor when you killed one of us says molecrab as he runs away by digging a tunnel. He got away said rey. Hey are you okay said rey. Are you a kamen riser said the girl. Yeah wait how did you know about kamen riser said rey. My mother told me about them said the girl. I see so see you around said rey. Wait a minute what does that kaijin said he want to bring you back said the girl. Its not your business said rey as he goes away from her.
Meanwhile at shocker base
What said the great leader angrily. Its the truth Great leader said molecrab scaredly. I see then the next time you see him,i want you to kill him and retrieve the decadriver said great leader shocker calmly. Yes great leader said molecrab.
Im starving i wonder if there is ramen shop here said rey as he was looking around. Yes there is one said rey as he goes there. Hello one ramen please said rey. Right coming up said rey. Dad im home said the girl. Yeah said the owner. You your that girl from before said rey. And your that kamen riser said the girl. What he's a kamen riser said the owner suprisingly. As the ramen is finished. Wait so your her father said rey. Yeah said the owner. Well my name is rey and i guess i should explain but you two must never tell this to anyone said rey. As he tells them who he is. Wow said the owner. Yeah well let me introduce myself my name is Mai ryuu said the girl. And my name is takai ryuu said the owner. Nice to meet you said rey as he starts eating the ramen. He then pays and leaves.i cant believe that he killed them wait he forgot his change i should give this said takai.
As he was going home molecrab appears. Your that kaijin said rey. My name is molecrab and i wont hold back this time says molecrab. Fine henshin said rey. As he fights takai then sees him in battle in Awe. What are you doing here said rey as he saw him. I was giving you back your change and you really are a kamen riser said takai. Pretty much said decade. Attack rise blast, molecrab then fall to the ground as rey was about to finish him molecrab dug a hole and went in it. Well for a situation like this then he pulls a card and insert it to his belt. Kamen rise black rx form rise robo riser then molecrab jump out of the ground and Attack him but rey shoot him and he turns back to his base he then, final Attack rise decade he destroyed molecrab. Here said takai. As he gives rey his change. Then takai said your really a kamen riser and im sure that they are proud of you right now. Probably well see you around said rey. as he goes home.

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