chapter 4 the professor

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Rey and coder were patroling the Valley for shocker and they saw some mooks and a Rhino kaijin chasing a man stay away from me help said the man. No we need you for a project that we're developing says the Rhino kaijin. Hold it right there said rey. Your that traitor said the Rhino kaijin. I wont let you hurt him, henshin said rey. Attack rise power shuriken, run away now said rey. Kamen riser said the man.I be back said the Rhino kaijin. He got away i wonder what project that shocker is developing well we better find him whoever he is said rey. His name Professor Edwin sarge his a scientist performing on lighting technology my guess is that shocker is planning to use him to finish some kind of machine that can power down any electronic technology in the whole entire world at one single moment said coder. We cant let them do that and how did you know who he is anyway said rey. Doctor eijiro downladed many files in me said coder. Yeah that sounds like something he would do lets find him said rey. He's heading north said coder. Alright lets go said rey. Hello you must be Professor Edwin sarge said rey. Yeah your the one who save me and your a kamen riser said Professor Edwin. Yeah we need to talk said rey. He tells him about their theory. I guess that does make sense and just asking why did that kaijin said that your a traitor said Professor Edwin. Well im his leader son said rey. What said Professor Edwin. But im not like them let me explain said rey. I see i cant believe you did that said Professor Edwin. Anyway we should help you find a safe place to hide said rey.
I cant believe you let him get away said the great leader shocker. Im sorry great leader but he was in the way said the Rhino kaijin. Very well i Will give you one last chance to bring him in sai d the great leader shocker. Yes great leader said the Rhino kaijin.
You be safe here for now until we can destroy their machine said rey. Yeah said Professor Edwin. We be back just wait here said rey. Grandpa shin im home said rey. Welcome home said shin. We're just bringing a few stuff we be back later grandpa said rey. Wait you want some tea said shin. Yeah thanks grandpa shin said rey. We're back Professor brought some food for you an- he's gone where is he, a note said rey. Dear rey im sorry that im gone but i just dont like to feel being caged so i went out for a bit i be back
Signed Professor Edwin sarge. Darn it said rey.
Meanwhile As the Professor was walking around leaf Valley when he was knock out unconscious. Where am i said the Professor. So your awake we meet again Professor let me reintroduce myself im Rhinorac said the Rhino kaijin. What are you going to do with me said Professor Edwin.your to help us finish the machine or i kill you said the Rhino kaijin.
Coder do you know where he is said rey. According to my files he is at one of shocker lair 7 miles east said coder got it wait you know about where shocker base is said rey. No i only know about most of their lairs not their base said coder. I see lets go then said rey. As he rides the decadewheel and goes to save Professor Edwin. How long will it be completed said Rhinorac. Not long just a few minutes more said Edwin scaredly. Then rey crash the wall with his decadewheel and might have ran over a some mooks along the way. Hold it there we're not letting you get away with this said rey. But we already have how long till the machine Will be ready said Rhinorac. 2 minutes said a scared Professor Edwin. Let me introduce myself im Rhinorac said the Rhino kaijin. Im going to stop you henshin said rey. Kamen rise decade. Attack rise slash. As he Attack Rhinorac repeatedly. That's all you got said Rhinorac as he throws decade to the ground. How about this kamen rise super 1. Attack rise electro hand. H-zzzzz said Rhinorac as he is being electrocuted. And then decade also throws him to the ground and final Attack rise super he destroyed Rhinorac the machine was finished and activated. What did you do when the machine was finished it automatically activated said Professor Edwin sadly. I can stop this said decade. Kamen rise j. Attack rise over growth. He turns into a Giant and start smashing the the machine into pieces as he did it. They went to the airport so that Professor Edwin can go overseas so that he be safe. Thank you for saving me said edwin. No problem said rey. I hope we meet again but not too soon said edwin. Right said rey. Well goodbye said edwin. As rey watched Edwin board the plane he returns home and fight for another day.

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