chapter 21 kuuga world part 1

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As Rey and coder arrive to the new world.

So this is one of the 14 world said Rey. Yes said coder. And Wait a minute how did my clothes changed said Rey. Well that is because of the portal and besides people can get suspicious of you if you wear clothes that are different from this era said coder. Right and by the way coder where and when are we said Rey. We're at world 1 and this is the early Civilization of humans said coder. The early Civilization of humans huh interesting lets find out more about this world said Rey. Right said coder. And then they heard a Scream and followed it and when they go there. Get away said the woman.  

Is that a gurongi said Rey. Yes and it loojs like spider, Rey said coder. I know said Rey. As he pulls out the decadriver. But then a man appears.

Run i handle this said the man.  the woman nodded and ran away. But he was quickly overpowered and was about to get killed.

I gotta save him,.  Henshin said Rey. Kamen rise decade. And then decade rush towards the spider gurongi and gave him a 3 heavy punches making him back away. Take this said decade. Attack rise power shuriken. As decade swing it multiple Times and make it explode infront of the spider gurongi. This is it said decade as he pulls out a card. Final Attack rise decade. As that destroyed the spider gurongi.

That did it said decade as he detransform. Good job Rey said coder. Thanks, wait what about that guy said Rey.   What who are you or better yet what are you said the man. Nobody and you are said Rey. My name is Riku and you cant be some nobody since you just defeated that gurongi easily said Riku. Oh well my name is Rey and this is coder said Rey. Nice to meet you said coder. How about you two come with me to my home said Riku. Okay im fine with that, how about you coder said Rey. Same here said coder. Great lets go said Riku.

This is my home said Riku. Nice place said Rey. Riku welcome home said a pregnant woman. Yeah said Riku. Hmm Riku  who are they said a pregnant woman. Oh this is Rey and coder, oh and this is mika my wife said Riku. Nice to meet you said Rey. Me too said coder. Mika nodded. Come in said mina. Rey and coder nodded.

Hey im going to get something first i i be back later okay said Riku. Yes dear said mika. Rey and coder nodded. So are you two Friends with Riku said mika. Well more like acquantices really said Rey. Oh so you just met Riku and he just let you come in to his home said mika. Yeah pretty much said coder. Wait doesnt that seem strange to you said Rey. Yeah now that you mention it,. It kinda is actually said coder. How did you meet him anyway said mika. Well you see it started when said Rey. As he tells mika about how he met Riku. Wow that is quite a story and that pretty much sound like him alright said mika. Really mind if we ask how did you meet him anyway said Rey. Well we're actually childhood Friends said mika. Oh i see said Rey.

Im back said Riku as he was carrying a sack. Hey what's in it said coder. This said Riku as he showed them a pearl with 4 colours red, blue, green, and purple. What is that it feels weird said Rey. No idea i was hoping if you know it said Riku. I have no idea what it is, what about you coder said Rey. Sorry Rey i dont know anything about it but i scanned that is illed with power said coder. Like the star gems said Rey. Perhaps said coder. So can i ask you two something said Riku. What is it said coder. How did you beat that gurongi said Riku. Well its a long story but long story short i beat it by using the decadriver, its a belt that lets me transform into a Kamen riser said Rey. Kamen riser said both Riku and mika. Rey sighed. Well Kamen risers are warriors that fights for justice and are heroes said coder. I see said Riku. Wait dont you have a Kamen riser to protect you said Rey. No we dont we have been running away from the gurongi for 5 years now and we cant fight them at all and ive lost my parents too said Riku sadly. We're sorry to hear that said coder. Yeah and we are going to help you fight them said Rey. Really said mika. Yeah but first i gotta ask where did you get this pearl anyway said Rey. I found it in a ruin but when i grab it the ruin was destroyed said Riku. Oh okay said Rey. Its getting late lets rest first for today said Riku. He's right said coder. Yeah said Rey. Well there is an empty room there where you can sleep said mika. Thank you said Rey. Dont mention it said mika as she goes away along with Riku.

So Rey what are you thinking now said coder. Well it just that this world doesnt have a Kamen riser and i cant be here forever said Rey. And said coder. Well we were told that all the worlds have Kamen risers in them and i think that is what we are suppose to be here said Rey. Wait are you telling me that said coder. Yeah that we need to create Kamen risers for all the worlds said Rey. But that's crazy and who knows how long for us to create them said coder. Crazy like fighting kaijins, seeing gods and seeing new worlds, you compare creating risers with all of that crazy said Rey. Okay Good point said coder. And besides i think that it Will be fun and of how long it Will take to create the risers, well who knows and i just know that we Will succeed coder i can feel it said Rey. Right of course said coder. Good well lets begin shall we said Rey. As he begins to sleep in the room.

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