chapter 6 the dam in danger

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At a laboratory in another city an explosion happened.
Anyone help please save me said the Professor. Die said the wolf he strike down the Professor ending his life.but little did he know the scientist sent a message to rey about shocker is planning to blow up the leaf Valley dam before he died. Hang in there Professor said rey. Said as he arrives at the scene. Professor said rey. As he saw the Professor body. He's dead rey said coder. No way, i Will avenge you Professor, lets look around and see if we cand find any clues coder said rey. Yeah said they look around. rey i found the security footage said coder. Let see it said rey.
They played the footage.
No get away from me said the Professor. I dont think so since you know about us we cant let you live and since the device is complete we dont need you anymore said the wolf kaijin.anyone please save me said the the Professor. Die said the wolf kaijin. As the footage ended. Lets go coder said rey. As they get out of the laboratory to find the wolf kaijin and stop shocker plan. Found you shocker said rey. Your that traitor decade the human said the wolf kaijin. Yeah and your the one who killed the Professor said rey angrily. Yeah and let me introduce myself im wolfire said the wolf kaijin. Im going to stop you, decade said rey. Kamen rise decade. Attack rise blast.and he rapidly shoots wolfire. He then kick and punch him making him fall to the ground. Then wolfire spits fire from his mouth and directly shoot it to decade and then escapes. Darn it he got away said rey. As he and coder get in the decadewheel and go home to come up with a plan. Maybe then no that wont work we need a third person to make it work said rey. Yeah but we dont know anyone who is available that can pull it off said coder. Maybe i can help you said shin. Grandpa shin im sorry but i dont think you can do it, i mean think about your age and this is a dangerous job said rey. But can you do this said shin as he creates an energy ball. Wow grandpa shin, how did you did that said rey. Yeah im interested too no one can do that said coder. Says who and this is called an aura ball it is full of aura concetrated into a ball said shin. That's really cool can anyone use aura said rey. Yeah said shin. Can you teach me about it grandpa shin said rey. Yeah only if you bring me along said shin. Okay said rey. Are you sure about this said coder. Yeah he be fine said rey. Let's go then said shin. As they arrive at the dam. Stop right there shocker said rey. I see you came here stop us you have to get through us first said wolfire with some mooks. Fine by me, henshin said rey. Kamen rise decade. How about this kamen rise black. As he Attack them head on. Right now said shin. As coder shuts down the device shin creates an aura ball and shoots it at the device destroying it. We did it said shin. Yeah said coder.
Its too late to stop us now since the dam is about to blow up now said wolfire. But nothing happened. Huh why didnt the dam blow up said wolfire. They did it said decade.Attack rise kingstone flash. As it hit wolfire. Now to end you said rey. final Attack rise black. As decade destroy wolfire. Well that's over said coder. Yeah said rey as he detransforms. Well lets go home then said shin. Hey grandpa shin can you teach me about aura now said rey. No your training begins tomorrow said shin. Its alright i guess said rey.
What wolfire is dead said great leader shocker. Yes great leader decade killed him said one of the kaijin. We Will meet again someday my son said great leader shocker.
Wow that was delicious hey grandpa shin mine asking how did you learn how to use aura anyway said rey. Yeah me too said coder. Well its actually had been in our family for 19 generations now and it all started with your ancestor yin that was one of the people who discovered aura but that is a story for another day said shin. Okay well i cant wait to learn it said rey. Yeah said shin.

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