chapter 22 kuuga world part 2

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The next day

As Rey wakes up. And goes to the living room.

Okay so Rey mind if i ask how are we going to create risers for this world said coder. Well you remember that pearl Riku showed us said Rey. Yeah, wait so said coder. Yep its the key to create a new riser for this world said Rey. And how Will we use it said coder. Well we need to create something to restrain its powers and use it to be the main power source for the armor, that we are also going make of course said Rey. Right okay so is the thing that is going to restrain the pearl's power a belt said coder. Yep quick as always coder said Rey. Thanks said coder.   Rey, coder breakfast is ready said mika. Okay wait i be there said Rey.

Okay well that was nice said Rey as he finishes his food. Same here said riku. Thank you said Mika.  Hey so coder and I were talking about how we can make a device that can use the pearl power to fight gurongis said Rey. What really asked riku. Yes said coder. Okay so what is it said riku. it's a surprise said Rey. okay said riku. Oh and we also need to borrow the pearl too of course for the device said Rey. Okay I understand said riku. But then they heard screaming outside. What is happening said Rey. It's the gurongis said Mika. Mika stay here where it safe said riku. You too coder we can't just let anyone see you here said Rey. Coder and Mika nodded. Let's go said Rey. As they arrive. A piranha gurongi is there.

Okay let's do this,.  Henshin said Rey. Kamen rise decade. First said decade. As he pulls a card. Attack rise blast. As decade repeatedly shoot the piranha gurongi in the chest. Attack rise slash. As decade start slashing the gurongi and then give him a kick in the head. Let's end this said decade. As he pulls out another card. final attack rise decade. As decade destroyed the gurongi. Well that's that I guess said decade as he detransforms. who or what are you said a  civilian. Oh I'm just kamen riser wandering around said Rey. Huh kamen riser said the same civilian. It's okay he's with me said riku. Oh riku well if he's with you then it's okay I guess said the same civilian. You two know each other who are you anyway said Rey. My name is hoko I'm the current leader of the tribe said hoko. I see well my name is Rey nice to meet you said Rey. Same here and riku have you found a way to defeat the gurongi said hoko. Well not yet I'm just getting started in doing it with Rey help said riku. Oh I see and thank you for saving us Rey said hoko. You're welcome said Rey. Let's go home said riku. Yeah you go first im going to go get some equipment first okay said Rey. Alright said riku. Well I'm going home too I see you two again sometime alright said hoko. Rey and riku nodded.

Right let's get to work said Rey. as he is holding a stone.

I hope riku can forgive me for what im going to do said Rey. As he goes to a forest and sometime later he found a ruin.

I know you're there come out now said Rey. As a gurongi appears.

What are you said the gurongi. What am I that is kinda rude don't you think and don't you mean who am I said Rey. No i said what are you,. As you are not linto nor gurongi so what are you said the gurongi. Well my name is Reynard and for for your question, I am a kaijin like you said as he shows the gurongi his kaijin form and back to his human form. I see and why are you here said the gurongi. Well I'm here for you guro said Rey. As it surprised the gurongi. Yes I know you are, you are the imperfect gurongi that is both hated by both gurongi and linto just for what you are and again I'm here to offer you a deal with me said Rey. What sort of deal said guro. A purpose you see I know that you can't join the gegeru or be apart of the other gurongi and I also know that you are bored, just waiting here for you to die someday because you don't have anything to lose, am I right said Rey. Yes you're right so get to the point said guro. Okay I need you to be in this stone so that I can use your power for something that I am going to create said Rey. Is it to fight my brethren said guro. Yes and besides just think of what they will look once they found out that you're the reason that they are losing said rey. Guro chuckle a bit. You're right said guro. I also know you want revenge on them and right now you can't because there are too many of them and also because of the condition that they gave you said Rey. You are also right about that and very well I will help you but I have to ask how do you know so much about me said guro. Oh I have my sources and until next time we will meet guro said rey. Yes until next time rey said guro. as he is being absorb guro to the stone.

Okay well I think I call this the Amadam stone and I guess I should go home now said rey. But then a gurongi appears.

Well well well what do I have here a god of destruction said the gurongi. And you must be daguva right said rey. Yes and it is really an honour to meet the new god of destruction said daguva. How do you know about that said rey. Who doesn't every single mystical being knows who you are, after all what you did to those planets said daguva. And you do realise that I can easily kill you right now said rey. Yup but you can't because everyone also knows that you have that code of honour thing that you will only use it when you do your job said daguva.  True and why are you here said rey. well first I was here to finally kill guro, I have been searching him for a while now and when I arrive look what I found you it was just a coincidence really and since you're here I really want to fight you right now said daguva. Okay let's do this said rey. as he pulls the decadedriver.  Henshin said rey. Kamen rise decade. I'm going to enjoy this said daguva. As he charges against decade to punch him but he dodged and then decade aura ball daguva.  That tickle a bit said daguva. Oh yeah well try this said decade. As he pulls out a card. Attack rise power shuriken. As decade swing it and make it explode right in daguva's face. Well that sting a bit is that all you have said daguva. No it's not said decade as he pulls the k touch. One, two, v3, riserman, Amazon, x, stronger, tackle, skyriser, super 1, black, black Rx, zo, j, final kamen rise decade. Oh now this is getting interesting said daguva. As he and decade running towards and punch each other in the face and keep on hitting each other blow for blow. You're going down said decade. One kamen rise. As decade/one riser kick daguva who now is rolling over. What you're not dead yet after that you're strong I give you that said decade. Same for you said daguva laughing. What's so funny said decade. You,  you are also strong I've been waiting for someone like you, I would love to continue but after I felt that kick I felt you're power I am sure to lose if I continue, well until next time rey said daguva. Yeah till next time said decade. as he detransforms. And down panting. I should go see coder now.

Hey I'm back said rey. Welcome back said Mika. Where's riku and coder said rey. Oh they're at the basement said Mika. Oh thanks said rey.

Hey guys what are you doing and wait what happened to your face said rey. Well when we were making the belt we then put the pearl in it but the pearl's energy was so strong that it affected the belt giving some of its powers and energy to it and we don't have the thing to power it up said coder. As he shows rey the belt. So that's the belt huh and well actually we do said rey. As he shows them the Amadam stone. What's that said riku. Oh this is the Amadam stone a perfect stone to power up the belt said rey. Are you sure that it will work it could blow the belt up said coder. Oh it will work said rey. As he puts the stone in it. And then it started to glow and when the glow is gone the belt was completed.

It's done said Rey. It worked it really worked said riku happily. Yup it sure did said rey. Wait so what do we do with the pearl now said coder. We cut it into four pieces said rey. What why said coder. So that we can create more risers said rey. Wait more risers said coder. Well yeah this world need more than one riser to protect it said rey. I guess you're right let's do it said coder. So what do we do with the belt said riku. Riku how good are you with fighting said rey. Decent i guess wait you're giving me the belt said riku. Rey nodded. Okay I will then said riku. And how about we call the belt the arcle belt said coder. The arcle belt alright let's go with that how about we call it that riku said rey. I agree with you guys about it the said riku. As he puts on the belt and then. Argh it burns said riku. What riku are you alright said rey. As riku start calming down. Yeah I'm fine said riku. So how do I transform like you did said riku. Well push that button there and say henshin said coder. Okay um,. Henshin said riku as he transform. I did it I became into that kamen riser thing that you two were saying about said riku. rey and coder nodded. Yeah you did now all you need to do is get a name for yourself said rey. Kuuga said riku. Kuuga said coder. Yeah kuuga was my favourite bed time story when I was a kid it tells about samurai said riku. I see well congratulations riku you are now kamen riser kuuga said rey. Riku nodded.


Did you do it said coder. Yes I did said rey. Do you know that when he uses the full power of that belt he will become said coder before he was cut off. He won't that's why I created 4 more risers to help him so that he won't suffer said rey. But how can you be so sure said coder. Because I have hope in him said rey. But do you realise that if he found out what that stone is made of he will be broken he be empty inside with no life at all said coder. I know that but I will do everything I can to make sure he won't find out said rey. I just hope so too because if that ever happens I don't think you can call yourself a true kamen riser said coder. I know said rey.

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