A New Maid and A Beautiful Bachelor Don't Mix! :[19]: Breaking Again

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Ok, this chapter is about Evett's past in a way, so we finally get to see what kind of happened. :)


I like your whispering in the dark

There are whispers of the past

You are hiding deep inside my dreams,

Dreaming the final dream, the last

-Whispers, by Unsun


I remember it vividly. Like a lost symphony of the mind that constantly plays a corroded tune until I can't take no more.

I also recall the roses, their smell taunting the air with its untamable allure suffocating the heavens as though to cover up the true intentions of the world. It was all just a front to keep me from knowing the burdens of love and its twisted façade.

It's just revolting how strange it could be.

If I were to look back now, I could see a girl like me, one who had the same eyes, hair color and face. Yet, instead of being bitter and sarcastic, she was warm. Her hair was long back then, letting it sweep past her shoulders as the wind played with the dark locks. Eyes of molten chocolate would gaze up to the sky, a dancing glimmer in their depths as she holds a boy's hand.

I knew him since we were four, always seeing him on the summers when his father would bring him to their vacation home out in the country. There was a time he brought his brother, but those memories faded with time, seeing that the boy was rather rude and arrogant at times. I remember punching him, seeing that he insulted my muddy dress and called me stupid for tripping in the dirt. Funny thing was, after that incident, the brother didn't come back after that and stayed with his mother in the city. I would say instant win on my part.

Yet, despite that, the boy still visited over the summers and always kept me company. At first it just started as a friendship, but after a few years we stated growing closer, finding that we liked each other more than we thought. By the time I was thirteen we became a couple, and I was happy to have such a loyal boyfriend.

"I always promise to protect you." He would say, causing my heart to always fluttering at the sound of those words. I always cherished those words, relished in their potential meaning without thinking of the possibilities that they one day become hollow. That maybe their glimmering significance would turn dull as my world falls, clinging to the weak hinges of her once logical thoughts.

Yet, all that didn't matter, since she was happy and in love...happy...yet naïve.

When the hinges of that fairy tale love finally broke, the girl woke up. Instead of looking through her once bright, content brown hues, she was now looking through wide, clear eyes.

My eyes.

Their brightness had faded to dark brown, watching, seeing, and full of understanding at the same time. It was though someone had sucked all the joy and left the logical sense in me, opening up the parts of my conscious that I never realized where there. My words became sharp, spiteful yet candidly clear. Gone was the once naïve innocence I used to cling to, now, all that was left was my thoughts and new obtained knowledge. Through my new eyes, I saw the world in a different way than I once seen with those virtuous glances.

Only in memories can my past self still thrive, a place were I still somewhat see through those once blind view. It was a past reflection of my old window that at times will open to see how the world has changed. My old thoughts don't speak anymore, since the girl from my past is gone and dead. Now, it's just me...and those words that play like a dreadful violin solo.

The conversation reminded me like a bad recording, the sound scratching as the player tears apart the tape with its mechanical teeth. No remorse as the human ear's endure the chaotic noises that erupt from this tragic melody.

It was the day of his birthday that he chose to accuse me of cheating. Ever word he used cutting me like a knife, its blade laced with a toxic poison that would forever course through my veins. I even watched as he through the present on the ground, claiming to give it to a person I would stay truthful to.

That day was when my eyes finally opened and left me weeping the lost of belief in love. I always assumed that love was something that would stay forever, but that proved to be wrong.

After the incident I became isolated. I began to push people away, finding comfort within the darken corners of my mind. The people who loved me started finding it difficult to even get one word out of me. I would just sit in my room, replaying the conversation long after he was gone. At nights when I dreamed, I'd be thinking of his words, they way he appeared disgusted with the sight of me, and wonder...what went wrong? It was an inseparable relationship, one that I could imagine myself being with for eternity if I wished it so.

But it never happened...and I planned on it staying that way.

After months of no social activity, I finally decided to change myself. My bright clothes were the first thing to go, leaving me to with just what little dark shades I had in my tiny closet. I deiced to paint my room, finding the colors of gothic purple and dark patterns comforting. My mother at the time assumed it was a phase, but at that time it was my ture outlook on life that roamed beyond my fictitious window.

I even decided to cut my hair. Of course though, it shocked my mother, seeing that I came home one day with short locks that barely reached my chin. She tried to scold me about it but either way it couldn't be changed. I hated my long hair after he left, knowing how much he complement it and run his fingers along them when we were watching those sunsets.

I wanted all those memories of him to fade, just like those colors that I was able to dispose of. Just like an old photo graph, I predicted the image of him would fade away in time. Whenever the thought of him would appear, I'd just shove it behind a door, prying it would lock and eventually leave me alone.

Yet here I am now, realizing that perhaps I can't forget. All the images, words, memories had resurface despite my will to keep them hidden.

And with him just a few feet away from me, I felt the seal break.

So even now when I'm standing right here, seeing him just a few feet away, I felt my mind completely numb. With all my emotions in shut down; I felt the girl who I thought I left behind stir to life agian. From her eyes I could see the same boy that she used to love, one she once thought as mirror of perfect.

From my side, I could feel my hand wanting to rise, to touch his face and wonder if he was real. Yet, with my hand already in the air, I gain control at the last second and let it collide with flesh.

In the back of my mind, I secretly wished that I could forgive all the things he said like my quick strike.

Because in truth...I still love this heartbreaking monster.


Alright, next chapter will go back to the recent events.

With this I just wanted to show what kind of happened and how it affected her. :)

Thank you for the comments and votes! I adore each and everyone of them! X]

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